Start of change

-20072   csect-name bind-type bind-subtype ERROR USING authorization-id AUTHORITY. OPERATION IS NOT ALLOWED ON A package-type PACKAGE package-name


The bind subcommand bind-type with bind-subtype is not valid for the type of package specified for one of the following reasons:

  • The subcommand REBIND TRIGGER PACKAGE can be used only for trigger packages.
  • The subcommand BIND PACKAGE DEPLOY can be used only for SQL functions or native SQL procedure packages.
  • The subcommand FREE PACKAGE can be used only for packages that are not associated with triggers, native SQL procedures, or compiled SQL functions.
The name of the control section that issued the message.
The type of bind subcommand: REBIND or FREE.
The subtype of bind subcommand: TRIGGER or DEPLOY.
The authorization ID that is attempting the prohibited action.

If you are using a trusted context, the token authorization-id might return a role instead of an authorization ID. A role is returned if a role was in effect and the authorization checking is performed against the role rather than the authorization ID of the session when the condition was encountered.

The name of the role, in the format: 'Role: role-name'
The type of package: trigger, SQL function, or native SQL procedure.
The name of the package, in the format 'collection.package'.

System action

The package that is specified is not deployed, rebound, or freed.

System programmer response

For a package that is not a trigger package, rebind using the subcommand REBIND PACKAGE. Call the bind subcommand again, and specify a collection package that is an accepted package.



End of change