-16022   OPERANDS OF TYPES xquery-data-types ARE NOT VALID FOR OPERATOR operator-name . ERROR QNAME = err:XPTY0004


One or both operands of the operator have invalid data types. The following situations might cause this error:
  • The types of the operands are not a valid combination for the given operator. For example, the operands of an arithmetic operator are not of numeric types. Or a comparison operator compares xs:string with xs:integer.
  • One or both operands of an arithmetic operator are a sequence of more than one items, but the given operator requires single item operands. The notation (item(), item()+) represents the type of a sequence of more than one item.
  • The content sequence of a document node constructor (e.g XMLDOCUMENT) cannot contain attribute nodes.

System action

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

Programmer response

Use operands that have the correct types for the operator.