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A distributed thread was canceled because one of the following values was exceeded:
  • The idle thread timeout value that is specified by DB2® subsystem parameter IDTHTOIN in macro DSN6FAC
  • The ATTRIBUTE2 value in a row with KEYWORD value MONITOR IDLE THREADS in the SYSIBM.DSN_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTES table, for a profile that monitors the thread

System action

The execution unit abends.

Operator response

Notify the system programmer.

System programmer response

The server thread was holding DB2 resources and the requester application did not make a request to the DB2 server thread for an extended period of time. The server thread is terminated to release resources that might affect other threads.

This usually occurs for one of these reasons:

  • The ACTIVE thread option was specified in the CMTSTAT subsystem parameter, which corresponds to the DDF THREADS field of the DSNTIPR installation panel. A requester application or its user did not make a request to the DB2 server for an extended period. This can happen due to a lengthy user absence. As a result, the server thread was canceled when the timeout value was exceeded.

    Determine why the requester application has not made a request to the DB2 server in the specified time.

  • The INACTIVE option was specified for subsystem parameter CMTSTAT. One of the following situations occurred:
    • A requester application or its user failed to issue a commit operation before an extended dormant period, such as a user absence.
    • A requester application or its user issued a commit operation before an extended dormant period, but database resources were still being held because of other conditions.

    As a result, the server thread could not be moved to the inactive state, and was canceled when the timeout value was exceeded.

    Determine why the server thread was not moved to the inactive state.

If the design or use of the application requires additional time, take one of the following actions:

  • Increase the value of the IDTHTOIN subsystem parameter, or set it to zero to deactivate idle thread timeout.
  • If the server thread is monitored by profile tables, and the SYSIBM.DSN_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTES profile table contains a row with KEYWORD value MONITOR IDLE THREADS for a profile that monitors the server thread, increase the ATTRIBUTE2 value in the row, or set ATTRIBUTE2 to zero to deactivate monitoring.
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