
-b offset
For the RETRIEVE function, the offset (in bytes) into the specified storage object where the ARSADMIN program begins a partial storage object retrieval. The default is the first byte in the storage object.

For the COMPRESS function, the offset (in bytes) from the beginning of the file where the ARSADMIN program begins data compression. The default is 0 (zero).

For the DECOMPRESS function, the offset (in bytes) from the beginning of the file where the ARSADMIN program begins data decompression. The default is 0 (zero).

-c type
For the COMPRESS and DECOMPRESS functions, the compression type for source files. Options are 'F' for OD77Lite, 'O' for OD77 compression (the default), 'L' for LZW12 compression, 'Z' for LZW16 compression, 'N' for no compression, and 'D' for disable compression. Storage objects whose applications are defined to use Large Object cannot be decompressed by using the DECOMPRESS function.
-d directory
For the STORE function, the name of the directory that contains the storage object file to load. The default is the directory from which the ARSADMIN program was invoked.

For the RETRIEVE function, the directory in which the ARSADMIN program writes the file that contains the storage object retrieved from Content Manager OnDemand. The default is the directory from which the ARSADMIN program was invoked.

For the ICU function, specifies the code set for the document specified by the -s parameter.
For the STORE function, the name of the storage object file (or files) to load. To specify more than one storage object file, separate the file names with the blank character.

For the RETRIEVE function, the name of the storage object or objects to retrieve. To specify more than one storage object file, separate the file names with the blank character. Also determines the name of the file that the ARSADMIN program creates in the directory specified with the -d parameter.

-g applGroup
The name of the application group from which Content Manager OnDemand extracts processing information and stores the data.
-h instance
The name of the Content Manager OnDemand instance to process. The ARSADMIN program will attempt to locate the specified instance name in the ARS.INI file (UNIX servers) or the registry (on Windows servers) to obtain the TCP/IP address, host name or host name alias of the workstation or node on which the instance is running. If the ARSADMIN program cannot locate the instance name in the ARS.INI file, the specified value is treated as a host name.

The -h parameter is required for all functions, except COMPRESS, DECOMPRESS, and ICU.

If you are running multiple instances of Content Manager OnDemand on the same workstation, always specify the -h parameter to identify the name of the instance that you want to process. Verify that the system is configured with the correct information for all instances of Content Manager OnDemand. See IBM® Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms: Installation and Configuration Guide for information about configuring instances.

-l length
For the RETRIEVE function, the number of bytes that the ARSADMIN program retrieves from the specified storage object. The -l parameter and the -b parameter provides support for partial storage object retrieval.

For the COMPRESS function, the number of bytes (from the offset) of data to compress. The default is zero bytes, meaning all the remaining bytes in the file.

For the DECOMPRESS function, the number of bytes (from the offset) of data to decompress. The default is zero bytes, meaning all the remaining bytes in the file.

-L loadID
Identifies the value that Content Manager OnDemand generates to uniquely identify an input file that was loaded into the system. The Load ID contains the following parts:
The following list describes each part:
Application group identifier.
Document identifier.
Primary storage node.
Secondary storage node.
First date in the report. The format of the date is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. Loads created with versions of Content Manager OnDemand prior to version 9.0 use an older, internal date format for this part.

The value of this part can also be 0.

Last date in the report. The format of the date is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. Loads created with versions of Content Manager OnDemand prior to version 9.0 use an older, internal date format for this part.

The value of this part can also be 0.

Application identifier. This part is optional.
If you redirected the output of the ARSLOAD program or the Load function to a log file, see the log file for the Load ID that was created during load processing.

For the UNLOAD function, the Load ID that you want to delete. When recovering from a system failure or some other problem that occurred during input processing, you should delete the last (or only) Load ID that is listed in the log file.

In the Windows client, you can right-click and get a partial load ID, and then check the system log for an '87' message to find the full load ID.

-m location
Determines the location(s) of the storage objects that are processed by the storage manager. Possible locations are cache storage, the primary storage node, and the secondary storage node. The default value is 7, which specifies that the storage manager should process the storage objects for all of the locations that are specified in the application group. Specify 1 for cache storage, 2 for the primary storage node, or 4 for the secondary storage node. The values are additive; that is, if you specify a value of 3, then the storage manager processes the storage objects in cache storage and the primary storage node.
-n prinid-secnid
The primary and secondary storage node identifiers for the application group. Separate the identifiers with the - (dash) character.

Content Manager OnDemand stores the primary and secondary storage node identifiers in the database when you load data into an application group. Content Manager OnDemand includes the identifiers in the Load ID.

The values specified with the -n and -g parameters enable the ARSADMIN program to store data on or retrieve data from a specific Content Manager OnDemand object server.

-o outputFile

For the COMPRESS function, the name of the compressed output file.

For the DECOMPRESS function, the name of the file that contains the uncompressed document.

For the ICU function, specifies the name of the file that will contain the document after it has been converted to the code set specified by the -T parameter.

For the Trace function, specifies the name of the output XML file.

-p password
Specify one of the following options for password:
  • The name of the stash (encrypted password) file that contains the password for the user ID specified with the -u parameter.
  • The password for the Content Manager OnDemand user ID specified with the -u parameter. If the user ID is not assigned a password, then enter a null password (that is, specify -p ""). If you do not specify the -p parameter while you specify the -u parameter, then the program retrieves the password for the user ID from the stash file specified in ARS.INI file for that instance. If the user ID is not assigned a password, then press the Enter key when prompted.
For the UNLOAD function, allows you to force the ARSADMIN program to unload the Load ID named with the -L parameter, even if the Load ID is not found in the system log. If the ARSADMIN program does not find the Load ID in the system log and you do not specify the -Q parameter, then the Unload function will fail.
-s sourceFile
For the COMPRESS function, the name of the uncompressed input file.

For the DECOMPRESS function, the name of the storage object file that contains the document or resource to be uncompressed. You cannot decompress Large Object data with the Decompress function.

For the ICU function, specifies the name of the file that contains the document that is in the code set specified by the -F parameter.

Important: On the Windows platform, this file cannot be a link to another file.

For the Trace function, specifies the name of the binary file that is generated by any Content Manager OnDemand command.

For the ICU function, specifies the code set for the document specified by the -o parameter.
-u userid
A Content Manager OnDemand user ID with administrator authority for the application group. If you do not specify this parameter, then the ARSADMIN program prompts you to enter the user ID.

For the UNLOAD function, the user ID that you specify must have permission to delete documents from the application group.

If you do not specify the -p parameter with the -u parameter, the ARSADMIN program retrieves the password for the user ID from the ARS.INI file for that instance.

For the IMPORT function, the name of the migrated index table to import into the database.
Start of change-1 trace_fileEnd of change
Start of changeSpecify a fully qualified trace file name as directed by IBM Software Support.End of change
Start of change-2 levelEnd of change
Start of changeSpecify a numeric value as directed by IBM Software Support.End of change