ARS7944I Usage: arsodf [options]
Version: version
-d <dist_name> Distribution name
-e External distribution
-f Only create needed definitions
-h <od_inst> OnDemand library server or instance name (same as -I)
-I <od_inst> OnDemand library server or instance name (same as -h)
-p <passwd> OnDemand User Login Password Stash File
-r <recipient> Recipient name
-S Start the OnDemand Distribution Facility for the given instance
-T Stop the OnDemand Distribution Facility for the given instance
-u <userid> OnDemand User Login Name
-v Verbose
-1 <trace_file> Trace file
-2 <trace_level> Trace level


An incorrect parameter was specified for the command.

User response

Resubmit the command with the correct parameters. For more information about this command, please see the Content Manager OnDemand Distribution Facility guide.