
-a application
The name of the application to load. If the application group contains more than one application, then you must identify the application to load. Otherwise, the load will fail. If you plan to automate the loading of files into different application groups and applications, then use the -A parameter to specify the part of the file name that identifies the name of the application.
-A applID
Determines the part of the file name that identifies the application to load. If the application group contains more than one application, then you must identify the application to load; otherwise, the load will fail.

You typically specify this parameter when you run the ARSLOAD program as a daemon (UNIX servers) or service (Windows servers) to automate the loading of files into different application groups and applications. For example, you can use Download to transmit files from z/OS® systems to the server. A file transmitted by Download uses the following file naming convention:

  • Unless you specify otherwise, the ARSLOAD program uses the FORMS part of the file name to identify the application group to load. You can use the -G parameter to specify a different part of the file name that identifies the application group (MVS, JOBNAME, or DATASET). For example, arsload -G JOBNAME.
  • If the application group to load contains more than one application (source of data), then you must identify the application to load; otherwise, the load will fail. When you run the ARSLOAD program, you can use the -A parameter to specify the part of the file name that identifies the application (MVS, JOBNAME, DATASET, or FORMS). For example, to use the DATASET part of the file name to identify the application, run the ARSLOAD program with the -A DATASET parameter.
-b <index #,field_name>
Specify the name of an index field and a number that identifies the part of the input file name that the ARSLOAD programs assigns to that index field. For index_number, you can specify 1 - 8 and the number must match a part of the input file name identified by the -B parameter.
In the following example, assume that the input file name is ApplGroup1.App1.ARD:
arsload -b "1,field1" -B "AG.1APP.ARD" -g ApplGroup1 ... 
During the load, the ARSLOAD program assigns the value App1 from the input file name to the index field "field1" of application group "ApplGroup1".
-B "format"
Use this parameter to do the following tasks:
  • Define the file name formats for MVS™ download files and files processed by the ARSLOAD daemon.
  • Identify the parts of the file name that the ARSLOAD program assigns to an index field specified by the -b parameter.
Use the following identifiers to define the file name format:
1 - 8
A number prefixed to a part of the file name that identifies that part as a value to assign to an index field.
Application group name
Application name
Abbreviation for DATASET
Field place holder for indexing
Abbreviation for FORMS
Abbreviation for HHMMM
Abbreviation for JOBNAME
Abbreviation for WRITER
Abbreviation for YYDDD
The following example uses the full word of the JOB, DAT, FOR, YY, and HH identifiers to define the file name format:
The following example shows the same file name format with the abbreviated words:
The following example shows the same file name format and indicates that the ARSLOAD program assigns the JOB part of file name to index field 1:
The following examples show different ways that you can define the file name formats:
The following examples show how to identify the parts of the file name to assigns to an index field:
  • Single index format, where the ARSLOAD daemon assigns the DAT part of the file name to index field account_num:
    arsload -b “1,account_num” -B “AG.APP.1DAT”
  • Multiple index format, where the ARSLOAD daemon assigns the different parts of the file name to different index fields:
    arsload -b “1,report_name” -b "2,run_date" -b "3,app_name" -B “AG.3APP.1FLD.2YY”
    The following table maps the index field name to the part of the file name
    Index field name Part of the file name
    report_name FLD
    run_date YY
    app_name APP

You can use the -B parameter or combine the -g and -a parameters, but you cannot use all three of them together. If you specify the -B parameter, you identify the application group name and the application name as parts of the file name.

-c indexDir
The file system in which IBM® Content Manager OnDemand temporarily stores data created by the indexing program. The default location is the directory from which the ARSLOAD program was invoked.

For better performance, IBM recommends that the -c parameter specify a different file system than the file system that is specified with the -d parameter.

-d dataDir
Specifies a file system that contains input files to process.

Any file with a file type extension of .ARD or .PDF will be processed (.ARD files are transmitted to the server by Download; .PDF files are created by Acrobat Distiller). The case of the file type extension is not significant.

You can specify this parameter one or more times. The ARSLOAD program will search for input files to load in each of the directories that you specify.

For better performance, IBM recommends that the -d parameter specify a different file system than the file system that is specified with the -c parameter.

Files transmitted by Download from a z/OS system must conform to the following file naming convention:
Important: The .ARD file name extension is required to initiate a load process.
Unless you specify otherwise, the ARSLOAD program uses the FORMS part of the file name to identify the application group to load. However, you can use the -g and -A parameters to specify different parts of the file name (MVS, JOBNAME, DATASET, or FORMS) to identify the application group and application to load.

You cannot specify the -i, -n, or -v parameters when you specify the -d parameter.

Specify this parameter to allow the ARSLOAD program to process loads that contain empty document files. If you specify the -n parameter with the -e parameter, the empty file is retained after processing, however no data is loaded into Content Manager OnDemand. If you are running the ARSLOAD program as a daemon or service with the -e parameter, the empty file will not cause an error and the ARSLOAD daemon or service will not exit.
When specified, the user-written program that is associated with the ARSUUPDT exit point is to be invoked. If the -E parameter is not specified, the user-written program is not invoked. The user-written program may be used to modify some of the parameters that are used by Content Manager OnDemand when document data is being loaded by the ARSLOAD program, such as the name of the application group, application, or storage node into which the data will be loaded. For more information, see Report Specifications Archive Definition Exit in the IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms: Installation and Configuration Guide.
Note: The Report Specifications Archive Definition Exit requires that the input file (loadFilename) must exist. Otherwise, the ARSLOAD program will fail with message ARS1112E - Unable to open the file <loadFilename>.
Use to unload the data if the load process fails. If the database manager step fails, then Content Manager OnDemand should remove any index data that was added to the database. If the storage manager step fails, then Content Manager OnDemand should remove any storage objects that were copied to storage volumes.
Important: If an input file fails to load, you should review the message log that was created during the load process. You can retrieve a message log from the system log. If the message log contains a Load ID, then it means that for some reason, Content Manager OnDemand stored at least some of the input data in the application group. Before you attempt to reload the input data, you must remove the data that was created during the failed load process by using the UNLOAD function of the ARSADMIN program.

See ARSADMIN for help with removing the data that is created when a file is loaded into the system.

-F Trace output format
Optional parameter when -T is specified. The default output is text format. The possible values are C, T, and X:
C or CSV
The CSV format is a comma separated file that is useful in spreadsheets.
Default output format.
X or XML
The XML format outputs XML structured data. Using the XML output requires a header and trailer to be added to the trace file to complete the XML syntax and create valid XML. After the XML structured data is combined with .XSL and .DTD files, it can be viewed in a browser or XML editor.
-g applGroup
The name of the application group to load. This parameter is required if you specify a load file name to process. This parameter is optional if you specify the -d parameter. However, if you specify the -d parameter, unless you specify otherwise, the ARSLOAD program uses the FORMS part of the file name to determine the name of the application group to load. If you plan to automate the loading of files into different application groups and applications, then you should use the -g parameter to specify the part of the file name that identifies the application group to load.
-G applGroupID
Determines the part of the file name that the ARSLOAD program uses to identify the name of the application group to load.

You typically specify this parameter when you run the ARSLOAD program as a daemon (UNIX servers) or service (Windows servers) to automate the loading of files into different application groups and applications. For example, you can use Download to transmit files from z/OS systems to the server. A file transmitted by Download uses the following file naming convention:

  • Unless you specify otherwise, the ARSLOAD program uses the FORMS part of the file name to identify the application group to load. You can use the -g parameter to specify a different part of the file name that identifies the application group (MVS, JOBNAME, or DATASET). For example, arsload -G JOBNAME.
  • If the application group to load contains more than one application (source of data), then you must identify the application to load; otherwise, the load will fail. When you run the ARSLOAD program, you can use the -A parameter to specify the part of the file name that identifies the application (MVS, JOBNAME, DATASET, or FORMS). For example, to use the DATASET part of the file name to identify the application, run the ARSLOAD program with the -A DATASET parameter.
-h instance
The name of the Content Manager OnDemand instance to process. The ARSLOAD program will attempt to locate the specified instance name in the ARS.INI file (UNIX servers; the registry for Windows servers), to obtain the TCP/IP address, host name or host name alias of the system on which the instance is running. If the ARSLOAD program cannot locate the instance name in the ARS.INI file, then the specified value is treated as a host name.
Tip: The ARSLOAD program also supports the -I parameter. You can use either parameter to specify the name of the instance to process. If you specify both, the value of the last parameter specified is used.
You must specify this parameter and name the instance if:
  • The name of the default instance is not ARCHIVE.
  • You are running more than one instance on the same system and you want to process an instance other than the default instance.
  • You are running the ARSLOAD program on a system other that the system on which the instance that you want to process is running.
Important: If you are running multiple instances of Content Manager OnDemand on the same workstation, always specify the -h parameter to identify the name of the instance that you want to process. Verify that the system is configured with the correct information for all instances of Content Manager OnDemand. See IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms: Installation and Configuration Guide for information about configuring instances.
Recommendation: Although -h HOST,PORT can be specified, no additional configuration information will be read. Use -I INSTANCE_NAME instead to look up the host,port and other configuration values through the ars.ini file.
Use to run the data indexing program only; do not copy report data to storage volumes or add the index data to the database.
-I instance
The name of the Content Manager OnDemand instance to process. The ARSLOAD program will attempt to locate the specified instance name in the ARS.INI file (UNIX servers; the registry for Windows servers), to obtain the TCP/IP address, host name or host name alias of the system on which the instance is running. If the ARSLOAD program cannot locate the instance name in the ARS.INI file, then the specified value is treated as a host name.
Tip: The ARSLOAD program also supports the -h parameter. You can use either parameter to specify the name of the instance to process. If you specify both, the value of the last parameter specified is used.
You must specify this parameter and name the instance if:
  • The name of the default instance is not ARCHIVE.
  • You are running more than one instance on the same system and you want to process an instance other than the default instance.
  • You are running the ARSLOAD program on a system other that the system on which the instance that you want to process is running.
Important: If you are running multiple instances of Content Manager OnDemand on the same workstation, always specify the -h parameter to identify the name of the instance that you want to process. Verify that the system is configured with the correct information for all instances of Content Manager OnDemand. See IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms: Installation and Configuration Guide for information about configuring instances.
-j parmFile
Use to specify the name of a file that contains additional indexing parameters. Each line (or record) in the file represents one complete indexing parameter, including keywords and data values.
Typical usages of this command include:
  • Appending a constant to an index value.
  • Populating an index value with something not seen within the data.
  • Populating an index value with something that does not change regularly.

When you specify the -j parameter and name a file, the ARSLOAD program adds the indexing parameters from the specified file to the indexing parameters that it extracts from the application. (Indexing parameters are typically specified on the Indexing Information page in applications.) If an indexing parameter appears in both the application and the file that you specify, then the ARSLOAD program uses the value from the file.

For example, some of the indexing parameters in the application are as follows:
You would like to add the constant "001" to the end of the INDEX1 value. You could add the following parameters in the -j parameter file:

These parameters will add FIELD2 and override the original INDEX1. The FIELD2 value will be concatenated onto FIELD1.

To add a constant index value to the above parameters, add the following to the -j parameter file:
-J File name delimiter
Use this parameter to define file name formats for MVS download files and files that are processed by the ARSLOAD daemon. By default, this parameter is "."
-l fieldID
Indicates that the ARSLOAD program will capture and place the entire name of the input file into the field identifier specified in the fieldID variable.
Determines whether Content Manager OnDemand deletes the input files when the ARSLOAD program terminates.
  • If you specify the -n parameter, then Content Manager OnDemand does not delete the input files when the ARSLOAD program ends.
  • If you do not specify the -n parameter, then Content Manager OnDemand deletes the input files when the ARSLOAD program ends.

In either case, if the ARSLOAD program fails in the load step because of a device or system problem, then you can restart the load step after you correct the problem by using the intermediate files that were created by the ARSLOAD program. The ARSLOAD program stores the intermediate files in the directory named with the -c parameter (or the directory from which you started the ARSLOAD program, if you did not specify the -c parameter). The intermediate files have the same file name as the original input file.

-p password
The password for the user that is specified with the -u parameter. If the user is not assigned a password, enter a null password (that is, specify -p ""). If you do not specify the -p parameter while you specify the -u parameter, then the program retrieves the password for the user ID from the stash file specified in ARS.INI file for that instance.
-t seconds
Determines the polling time in seconds. This is the interval of time in which the ARSLOAD program checks the input directory (specified by the -d parameter) for input files to process. The default value is 600 seconds, which means that the ARSLOAD program checks the input directory every ten minutes.
-u userid
The user ID of a Content Manager OnDemand user with administrator authority for the application group. The user must have permission to add documents to the application group.
There are several ways that you can provide the user ID and password:
  • You can specify the -u and -p parameters each time that you run the ARSLOAD program.
  • For Windows servers, if you run the ARSLOAD program from the command line, use Windows unified logon to protect your Content Manager OnDemand user ID and password. Unified logon attempts to log on to the Content Manager OnDemand server with the Windows logon account user name.
  • For Windows servers, the Load Data service uses the user ID and password of the instance owner.
Enables verbose mode, which displays all messages (informational and error). By default, the ARSLOAD program displays error messages.
-X indexer
Allows you to override the indexing program that was specified on the Indexer Information page for the application. The possible values are A, G, P, X, and 3:
  • Specify -X A to use ACIF.
  • Specify -X G to use the Content Manager OnDemand Generic indexer.
  • Specify -X P to use the Content Manager OnDemand PDF indexer.
  • Specify -X X to use the Content Manager OnDemand XML indexer.
  • Specify -X 3 to use the Content Manager OnDemand 390 indexer.
You must specify an indexing program if the input contains index data in a format other than the one supported by the indexing program that was specified for the application. For example, assume that you defined an application and specified ACIF as the indexing program. Later, you used the ARSDOC program to extract documents from an application group. The ARSDOC program generates index data that is in the Generic indexer format. To load the index data into the application, you must specify:
arsload -X G . . .
Specifies an input file to process.

You may specify the names of one or more input files to process. If you specify more than one input file, separate the file names with a blank character.

The ARSLOAD program appends the following file type extensions to the file name that you specify: .ind, .out, .res, .ann, and .ang
  • The .ind file contains the index data
  • The .out file contains the report data
  • The .res file contains the resource data
  • The .ann file contains text annotations
  • The .ang file contains graphic annotations
For example, if you specify arsload -g BILLS po3510, the ARSLOAD program looks for and processes the following files:
  • po3510.ind
  • po3510.out
  • po3510.res
  • po3510.ann
  • po3510.ang
The file extensions on all .ind, .out, .res, .ann, and .ang files must be lowercase. File names with extensions .IND, .OUT, .RES, .ANN, and .ANG will not be processed.

If the ARSLOAD program does not find a file with the .ind file type extension, it automatically calls the indexing program to process the input file.

If you omit an input file name, the ARSLOAD program will run in daemon mode and attempt to load input data from the directories that are specified by the -d parameter. If you omit an input file name and do not specify the daemon mode parameter (-d), the ARSLOAD program will issue a usage note and exit.

-1 trace_file
Specify a fully qualified trace file name as directed by IBM Software Support.
-2 level
Specify a value as directed by IBM Software Support.