
Expires files from cache storage. Most customers should plan to schedule the ARSMAINT program to expire files every day.
Expires indexes from the Content Manager OnDemand database. Most customers should plan to schedule the ARSMAINT program to expire indexes every day.
Important: When the application group has an Expiration Type of Load, the -d parameter expires the associated objects at the same time.
-D percentage
Specifies a threshold that, if the actual value is lower than this threshold, you want OnDemand to reload the load. The threshold measures the percentage of documents in a load that have a hold. When OnDemand processes a load, it calculates the percentage of the load that has a hold. If the actual value is lower than this threshold, OnDemand reloads this load. Specify a number between 0 and 100. The default is 0, which means that OnDemand does not reload the load.
For example, assume you have a load with 100 document and you specify -D 50. When OnDemand processes a load, if the percentage of documents with a hold is lower than 50%, OnDemand reloads the load. The following list describes OnDemand behavior as the number of documents with holds increases for this example:
  • No documents have a hold. Therefore, the actual percentage is 0%. OnDemand does not reload the load.
  • One document has a hold. Therefore, the actual percentage is 1%. OnDemand reloads the load.
  • Forty nine document have a hold. Therefore, the actual percentage is 49%. OnDemand reloads the load.
  • Fifty documents have a hold. Therefore, the actual percentage is 50%. OnDemand does not reload the load.
  • Fifty one documents have a hold. Therefore, the actual percentage is 51%. OnDemand does not reload the load.
Migrates index data from the database to archive storage. Customers that plan to use migration processing should schedule the ARSMAINT program to migrate data every day.

Migration is the process of moving tables of index data from the database to archive storage. The migration process allows you to maintain index data for a very long time, on indirect access media. You typically migrate index data after users no longer need to access the documents to which the indexes point, but for legal or other requirements, you still need to maintain the index data for some number of months or years.

Important: Before you can migrate index data, the index tables must be closed. To close a table to loading before the Maximum Rows value is reached, use the ARSTBLSP program with the -a1 parameter. For more information, see the chapter about ARSTBLSP program.

You must configure application groups for migration. Content Manager OnDemand uses the Length of Time Before Migrating Indexes to determine when to migrate index data. If you need to import index data from archive storage back into the database, then OnDemand will maintain the index data in the database for the number of days specified in the Length of Time to Keep Imported Migrated Indexes. (Content Manager OnDemand maintains migrated index data in archive storage until it reaches its Life of Data and Indexes.)

Before you can migrate index data to archive storage, you must configure the System Migration application group. See IBM® Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms: Installation and Configuration Guide for help with configuring the System Migration application group.

-f threshold
Sends an alert message when a cache storage file system is filled to the specified percentage. The default value is 95 (percent). The range is 0 (zero) to 100.

When a cache storage file system exceeds the threshold, it usually means that the ARSMAINT program cannot delete enough documents from the file system to fall below the threshold. You may need to run migration and expiration processing more often, increase the size of your cache storage file systems, or add new cache storage file systems.

The ARSMAINT program sends the alert message to stdout (UNIX™ servers), the console (Windows™ servers), the system log, and the system log user exit point.

-g applGroup
The name of the application group to process. Unless you specify this parameter, the ARSMAINT program maintains the database and cache storage for all of the application groups defined on the library server. You can specify this parameter and name an application group when you need to maintain the database and cache storage for a specific application group. You can specify multiple application groups by specifying the -g parameter multiple times. The -g parameter is valid only with the -c, -d, -e, -i, -m, and -r parameters.
Expires imported index data from the database. Customers that need to use migration processing should schedule the ARSMAINT program to expire imported indexes every day.

An administrator must import index data that was previously migrated to archive storage back into the database to satisfy a query. After maintaining the imported index data for the number of days specified in the Keep Imported Migrated Indexes field (see the Advanced button on the Storage Management page in the application group), the data is eligible to be removed from the database (and will be removed the next time that the ARSMAINT program runs with the -i parameter).

-I instance
The name of the Content Manager OnDemand instance to process. The ARSMAINT program will attempt to locate the specified instance name in the ARS.INI file (UNIX servers; the registry for Windows servers), to obtain the TCP/IP address, host name or host name alias of the system on which the instance is running. If the ARSMAINT program cannot locate the instance name in the ARS.INI file, then the specified value is treated as a host name.
You must specify this parameter and name the instance if:
  • The name of the default instance is not ARCHIVE.
  • You are running more than one instance on the same system and you want to process an instance other than the default instance.

If you are running multiple instances of Content Manager OnDemand on the same workstation, always specify the -I parameter to identify the name of the instance that you want to process.

Verify that the system is configured with the correct information for all instances of Content Manager OnDemand. See IBM Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms: Installation and Configuration Guide for information about configuring instances.

Queries the ARSLOAD table and updates the aid value for all the load IDs that have not been previously found. For multiple applications in an application group, queries the data tables to find a corresponding hit for the load in order to determine the aid value.
Migrates files from cache storage to archive storage. IBM recommends that you schedule the ARSMAINT program to migrate files every day.
-n minimum
Specifies the low expiration threshold percentage for cache storage file systems. This value determines when the ARSMAINT program stops expiring files from cache storage file systems (see the -c and -x parameters). The range is 0 (zero) to 100.

The default value is 80 (percent), which should keep cache storage file systems fairly full, to provide good retrieval hit rates while leaving adequate free space to load new input files. IBM recommends that you periodically check the amount of space available in your cache storage file systems. Depending on the amount of data that you load into the system and the length of time that you maintain documents in cache storage, you may need to increase the size of the cache storage file systems or add new cache storage file systems.

Expires Content Manager OnDemand Distribution Facility (ODF) table entries. Expired entries in the ARSDFPPT, ARSDFDRT, and ARSDFDST tables will be deleted. By default, entries in these tables older than 30 days are considered expired and are automatically deleted by the ARSODF program. The number of days can be changed by using the ARSODF_EXPIRE_DAYS parameter in the ARS.CFG configuration file. This means that running ARSMAINT -o is optional, because the ARSODF program will automatically delete expired entries.
-p password
Specify one of the following options for password:
  • The name of the stash (encrypted password) file that contains the password for the user ID specified with the -u parameter.
  • The password for the Content Manager OnDemand user ID specified with the -u parameter. If the user is not assigned a password, enter a null password (that is, specify -p ""). If you do not specify the -p parameter while you specify the -u parameter, then the program retrieves the password for the user ID from the stash file specified in ARS.INI file for that instance. If the user is not assigned a password, then press the Enter key when prompted.

Runs database statistics, which causes the database manager to optimize application group index data and make access to information as efficient as possible. IBM recommends that you schedule the ARSMAINT program to optimize the database every day.

Produces a report that contains status information about the cache storage file systems which is written to the Content Manager OnDemand system log. The report includes information such as the name of the file systems and the amount of free space for each file system. IBM recommends that you schedule the ARSMAINT program every day to report the status.
-t date
Specifies that you want the ARSMAINT program to process the database and cache storage by using a date other than the current system date (the default value). For example, you can specify a date in the future to cause the ARSMAINT program to process data and files before their actual expiration and migration period (for example, if you wanted to clear cache storage). The default format for date is YYYY-MM-DD. When you specify this option, you must specify the -u parameter. The ARSMAINT program processes all data and files belonging to the application groups for which the user (specified with the -u parameter) has been given permission to delete documents.
Note: Use this option with caution. Contact the IBM support center before you run the ARSMAINT program with this option.
-u userid
Specifies a Content Manager OnDemand user that has administrator permission for the application groups to be processed. If you specify the -g parameter, the user must have permission to delete documents from the application groups. If you do not specify this parameter, the ARSMAINT program prompts you to enter the userid when you run the program.

If you do not specify the -p parameter with the -u parameter, the ARSADMIN program retrieves the password for the user ID from the ARS.INI file for that instance.

-x maximum
Specifies the high expiration threshold percentage for cache storage file systems. This value determines when the ARSMAINT program begins expiring files from cache storage file systems (see the -c parameter). When a cache storage file system reaches this threshold, the ARSMAINT program begins deleting data from the file system by using the data migration and caching values from the application groups. The ARSMAINT program stops deleting files from a file system when the amount of used space in the file system drops below the low expiration threshold (see the -n parameter). The range is 0 (zero) to 100.

The default value is 80 (percent), which should keep cache storage file systems fairly full, to provide good retrieval hit rates while leaving adequate free space to load new input files. IBM recommends that you periodically check the amount of space available in your cache storage file systems. Depending on the amount of data that you load into the system and the length of time that you maintain data in cache storage, you may need to increase the size of the cache storage file systems or add new cache storage file systems.

Validates cache storage. When you specify this option, the ARSMAINT program inspects all cache storage file systems to make sure that they are correctly linked with the proper file permissions.
-1 trace_file
Specify a fully qualified trace file name as directed by IBM Software Support.
-2 level
Specify a numeric value as directed by IBM Software Support.