Generating a script file to create a database for an IBM® Db2 content store

You can generate a script file to automatically create the content store in Db2 on all platforms. The script file is a DDL file.


  1. Start IBM Cognos Configuration.
  2. In the Explorer window, under Data Access > Content Manager, click Content Store.

    The default configuration is for an Db2 database. Ensure that the Type is DB2 database.

  3. In the Database server and port number field, enter the name of your computer and port number on which Db2 is running.
    For example, localhost:50000. Where, 50000 is the default port number that is used by Db2. If you are using a different port number, ensure you use that value.
  4. Click the Value field next to the User ID and password property and then click the edit icon. Type the appropriate values and click OK.
  5. In the Properties window, for the Database name property, type the name for your content store database.
    Important: Do not use a name longer than eight characters and use only letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens in the name.
  6. Right-click Content Store, and click Generate DDL.
  7. Click Details to record the location of the generated DDL file.

    The DDL file named createDB.sql is created. The script is created in the install_location\configuration\schemas\content\db2 directory.

What to do next

Use this script to create a database in Db2. For more information about using a DDL file, see your Db2 documentation.

If you use the Db2 command-line interface, you can run the script by entering the following command:

db2 -tvf createDB.sql