Adding a component to your configuration

The cogstartup.xml file contains configuration settings used by IBM® Cognos® Analytics and by default components. You can change the components that IBM Cognos Analytics uses by copying XML elements from sample files into the cogstartup.xml file. You can then edit the configuration values to suit your environment.

For example, to use an Oracle database for the content store, you can use the ContentManager_language code.xml sample file to replace the default database connection information.

IBM Cognos Analytics can use only one instance at a time of the following elements:

  • The database for the content store
  • A cryptographic provider
  • A configuration template for the IBM Cognos service

You should be familiar with the structure of XML files before you start editing them.


  1. Go to the install_location/configuration/samples directory.
  2. Choose a sample file to open in an editor:
    • To use Oracle, or IBM Db2 for the content store, open the ContentManager_language_code.xml file.
    • To use an authentication provider, open the Authentication_language_code.xml file.
    • To use a cryptographic provider, open the Cryptography_language_code.xml file.
    • To send log messages somewhere other than a file, open the Logging_language_code.xml file.
    • To use a medium or large template for the amount of resources the IBM Cognos Analytics process uses, open the CognosService_language_code.xml file.
  3. Copy the elements that you need.
    Tip: Ensure that you copy the code including the start and end tags for the <crn:instance>element.

    For example, look for the (Begin of) and (End of) comments:

    (Begin of) Db2 template
    <crn:instance ...>
    End of) Db2 template
  4. Go to the install_location/configuration directory.
  5. Open the cogstartup.xml file in an editor.
  6. Paste the code from the sample file to the cogstartup.xml file and replace the appropriate <crn:instance> element.
  7. Change the values of these new elements to suit your environment.

    For the <crn:instance> element, do not change the class attribute. You can change the name attribute to suit your environment.

    For example, if you use an Oracle database for the content store, change only the name attribute to suit your environment.

    <crn:instance class="Oracle" name="MyContentStore">

  8. Save and close the file.
  9. Run IBM Cognos Configuration in silent mode by typing the following command:

    ./ -s

    This ensures that the file is valid and that passwords are encrypted.