Generic OIDC provider type

IBMid is the IBM OpenID Connect identity provider. However, if your identity provider is already federated with other identity providers, you must select the Generic type if you want to configure an OpenID Connect namespace as your authentication provider in Cognos® Analytics.

If you configure your identity provider with IBMid and it already federated, users will encounter authentication errors when they try to renew credentials or create a schedule. The reason that you must select Generic as the type, rather than of IBMid, is that IBMid does not support the password_grant flow when federated to an external authentication source.

Note: In Cognos Configuration, when you configure Security > Authentication > your identity provider > Scheduling credentials > Strategy, do not select a value that includes the word Credentials. Instead, set the Strategy property to ID token only.

An example of a configuration that uses the Generic OIDC type is shown in the following figure:

Cognos Configuration example using the Generic OIDC type