Specifying which databases can be accessed

Edit the IBM Secure Gateway Access Control List (ACL) to identify your on-premises database as a valid destination database for your Secure Gateway instance. This will allow you to securely access your on-premises data in IBM Cognos Analytics on Demand.

Secure Gateway map with the cloud highlighted

The ACL is a file in which you list the names and port numbers of computers that are permitted to host your on-premises data via the Secure Gateway.

For more detailed information, see Access Control List (https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/services/SecureGateway?topic=securegateway-acl).

Watch how to edit the Access Control List

For a demonstration of two ways to edit the Access Control List, watch this video:

Video about setting the Access Control List

Editing the Access Control List

If you want to use the command line interface (Option 1), follow these steps:

  1. Open a command window.
  2. Run the following command:

    acl allow database_hostname:port_number

    where database_hostname is the name of the computer that hosts the database and port_number is the port number of the database.

  3. In the Connect to an on-premises database wizard, click OK.

If you want to use the Secure Gateway Client interface (Option 2), follow these steps:

  1. Start the Secure Gateway Client on your local computer.
  2. Click Access Control List.
  3. Under Allow access, enter the destination computer's name and port number.
  4. In the Connect to an on-premises database wizard, click OK.

What to do next

Your next step is to create a data server connection on the destination computer.

Tip: You may already have set up a data server connection that you can use for your destination database.