Training and Badges

This page is used to register for the IBM Talent Management Solutions Lead Manager and Lead Manager: Acoustic Campaign courses. There is no charge for these courses. Use the provided registration links to register for the courses.

Lead Manager
Lead Manager User Badge
The Lead Manager course covers all of the content that is needed to use the IBM Talent Management Solutions Lead Manager product. The course covers:
  • An introduction to Lead Manager, including an introduction to Acoustic Campaign.
  • How to manage leads in Lead manager, including adding, editing, searching and exporting leads.
  • How to manage campaigns, including adding, editing, searching and exporting campaigns.
  • How to manage communications, including sending communications and managing templates.
  • Managing notices and running reports.
The course is designed to take approximately 2 hours to complete and includes videos, HTML5-based simulations, text, graphics, and an assessment. Simulations and videos contain narration. You might need to connect speakers or a headset to hear these items. An assessment score of 80% or higher is required to pass the course and earn the badge.
Acoustic Campaign for use with Lead Manager
This course is designed to cover the information that you need to understand in order to utilize Acoustic Campaign for Lead Manager effectively in your organization. Acoustic Campaign is included with the purchase of Lead Manager and is used to manage communications and landing pages. Note: This course and course materials are aimed at Talent Management Solutions Lead Manager customers only. The course covers:
  • An introduction to Acoustic Campaign.
  • Managing your database and asset library.
  • Managing communications.
  • Managing landing pages.
  • Running reports.
The course is designed to take approximately 4 hours to complete and includes videos, HTML5-based simulations, text, and graphics. Simulations and videos contain narration. You might need to connect speakers or a headset to hear these items.
Lead Manager: Workbench Configuration
This course is designed to cover the information that you need to understand to configure Lead Manager in Workbench. This course does not award a badge upon completion. This course does not contribute to the Workbench certification course, the Lead Manager badge course, or the Lead Manager: Acoustic Campaign badge course. You must have access to Workbench to configure Lead Manager. Workbench access is granted after completing the Workbench certification course. For more information, see BrassRing Training and Badge Registration. The course covers:
  • Configure user types.
  • Configure Lead Manager settings.
  • Configure lead and campaign fields and grids.
  • Configure lead and campaign profiles.
  • Configure sources.
  • Configure lead statuses.
  • Configure OFCCP searches.
The course is designed to take approximately 2 hours to complete and includes HTML5-based simulations. Simulations contain voice narration. You might need to connect speakers or a headset to hear these items. Course completion is manually tracked by the student.
Contacts and FAQs:
  • If you have any questions feel free to contact
  • Acclaim Support: For questions related to your Acclaim badge earner account and profile, as well as issues related to claiming your badge after receiving a notification, go to
  • For Frequently Asked Questions about the IBM Digital Badge Program - click here.
IBM leverages the services of Credly's Acclaim platform, a 3rd party data processor authorized by IBM and located in the United States, to assist in the administration of the IBM Digital Badge program. In order to issue you an IBM Digital Badge, your personal information (name, email address, and badge earned) will be shared with the Credly's Acclaim platform. You will receive an email notification from Acclaim with instructions for claiming the badge. Your personal information is used to issue your badge and for program reporting and operational purposes. It will be handled in a manner consistent with IBM privacy practices. The IBM Privacy Statement can be viewed here: IBM employees can view the IBM Internal Privacy Statement here:

Email if you have a suggestion for improvement, or encounter an issue on this documentation. Include the product and page title in your email.