Configuring database connections

Tivoli® Common Reporting provides a new mode of connection called Dynamic Query Mode (DQM) along with the Compatible mode (using native database client).

About this task

DQM is a 64-bit reporting engine, so it better utilizes available hardware, resulting in performance improvement with large volumes of data. DQM also offers key query optimizations to address query complexity and data volumes with improved query execution. It also provides advanced query capabilities, such as in-memory caching, that provide benefits for query planning, execution, and results while maintaining users' security permissions.
Note: DQM was introduced in Tivoli Common Reporting Version 3.1.

Because DQM is Java-based, another added benefit is the ease of data source setup using JDBC. This means that you do not need to install platform-specific database drivers or catalog nodes and databases. DQM does not replace the 'compatible' reporting engine that is in Tivoli Common Reporting Version 2.x, but it does offer many benefits over the compatible reporting engine. For more benefits of DQM, see the DQM guide at:

The reporting archive package defines which connection type the package requires. If the package was created with DQM then a JDBC connection is required. Otherwise native drivers are required, as for Tivoli Common Reporting Version 2.1.1. To identify which data source type is required by a report package, first import the package into Tivoli Common Reporting, then in the Action column, click the Properties icon next to the imported package. If the Query Mode is Dynamic, then the package requires a JDBC connection to be configured. If the Query Mode is Compatible, then the package requires a native database client connection.