Installing Reporting Services and supporting components by using silent mode

Use the silent mode to install Reporting Services and supporting components if your target system does not have a browser or a graphical environment.

Before you begin


  1. On the database server, create the Cognos® Content Store. See Silently creating the Cognos Content Store or Creating the Cognos Content Store from the command line.
  2. On the application server:
    1. Install the DB2 data server client, so that it can connect to the DB2 database on the database server. See Installing IBM Data Server drivers and clients in the IBM DB2 Information Center for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
    2. Make a backup and then edit the Installation Manager install_jazzsm_was_fullprofile_response.xml response file for the following integration services and supporting middleware components.
      • Application feature of the Reporting Services environment
      • WebSphere Application Server
      • Jazz for Service Management extension for IBM WebSphere

      Run Installation Manager silently by using the modified response file. See Silently set up environment for Tivoli Common Reporting.

      Note: You can install the integration services when you install the application serving environment for Reporting Services. In the install_jazzsm_was_fullprofile_response.xml response file, include elements and keys to install Dashboard Application Services Hub if required. See Modifying parameters for silently installing Jazz for Service Management and related software. Alternatively, you can install the integration service after you have installed Reporting Services, at a later date.
    3. Silently install Reporting Services. See Installing Reporting Services by using silent mode.


After the installation, the following directories are created:
  • Reporting Services installation directory, by default, JazzSM_HOME/reporting for UNIX systems and JazzSM_HOME\reporting for Windows.

What to do next

  • Install Dashboard Application Services Hub and integrate with Reporting Services, if Dashboard Application Services Hub is not already installed.
  • Verify the Reporting Services installation. See Verifying the Reporting Services installation.