IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version

Installing and Configuring Microsoft Services for UNIX

To install and set up the SFU for the Managing Server installer, complete the following procedure:

  1. Log on as Administrator.
  2. Check to see that a hosts file exists in one of the directories:
    Table 1. Locations for the hosts file
    Operating system Directory
    Windows (except Windows 2000 Server) \WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
    Windows 2000 Server \WINNT\system32\drivers\etc
    If one does not exist, download Microsoft Services for UNIX at this website:

  3. Run the SFU setup.exe program.

    The SFU setup.exe program is prerequisite software.

    The first window for the installation program opens, displaying the Welcome panel.

  4. Click Next. The Customer Information panel is displayed.
  5. Verify the user information and click Next.

    The License and Support Information panel opens.

  6. Read the license agreement, click to accept the agreement, and click Next.
  7. Select Standard Installation and click Next.

    A panel that explains that setup needs to change low-level default security settings is displayed.

  8. Click Next.

    A panel for configuring the User Name Mapping Server displays.

  9. If you are in a Network Information Service (NIS) environment, select Network Information Service. Otherwise, select Password and group files. Click Next.

    A second panel for configuring the User Name Mapping Server is displayed.

  10. Complete these steps:
    1. Verify the displayed Windows domain name.
    2. If you are in an NIS environment, enter the NIS domain server names. The NIS server name is optional if the NIS server is part of the same subnet as the local computer.
    3. If you are not in an NIS environment, leave the fields for the password and group files blank.

    Click Next. SFU is installed in the C:\SFU directory.

    Important: If you receive an error message of the type Error! 26000, resolve the problem according to instructions at the following location:;en-us;891756

  11. Extend the system Path variable to include the SFU utilities:
    1. Click My Computer > Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables.
    2. When the Environment Variable window opens, look at the lower half of the window (System Variables). Scroll down, select the Path variable, and click Edit.
      Important: Be careful not to start typing right away. You must move the cursor first; otherwise, the entire path variable is erased.
    3. Move the cursor all the way to the right to the end of the variable statement and type the text:
      Important: The statement must begin with a semi-colon (;).
  12. Reboot your system.
Tip: On Windows Server 2003 R1, Windows Services for Unix might not start correctly. In this case, install the fix available at the following location:;en-us;838250
