Upgrade IBM TM1 Perspectives action buttons

This setting upgrades IBM® TM1® Perspectives action buttons to allow them to be used in IBM® Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel.

About this task

Upgrading IBM TM1® Perspectives action buttons allows them to be used in IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel. When upgrading action buttons, note the following points:
  • Trust access to the VBA project object model must be granted in Microsoft Excel. See Enable trust access to the VBA project object model.
  • You must have a TM1 Perspectives workbook that contains one or more action buttons.
  • An administrator may upgrade action buttons in public and private workbooks.
  • A non-administrator may only upgrade action buttons in private workbooks.
  • Once action buttons are converted for use in IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel, they will no longer work in TM1 Perspectives. It is recommended that a backup of all TM1 Perspectives workbooks is created before upgrading action buttons.


  1. On the IBM Planning Analytics toolbar, click Options options.
  2. In the navigation pane, click IBM Planning Analytics.
  3. Under Action Button Settings, click Upgrade Action Buttons.
  4. Optional: Under Backup Excel Files, click Browse and define a backup directory. This step will create a backup of the TM1 Perspectives workbooks.
  5. Under Conversion Log, click Browse and define a log directory.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Using the drop down menu, select the system that contains a TM1 Perspectives workbook that needs to be upgraded.
  8. Select the server that contains a TM1 Perspectives workbook that needs to be upgraded.
  9. Select a TM1 Perspectives workbook that contains the action buttons that need to be upgraded.
  10. Click Upgrade.
  11. Click OK.


A dialog will indicate the number of files upgraded. In this instance, a file is a workbook that has had action buttons within it upgraded for use in IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel.
Note: If the workbook containing the action buttons was open during the upgrade process, you will need to close and reopen the upgraded workbook from the IBM Planning Analytics datasource to complete the upgrade.
Tip: By selecting the parent server or folder to upgrade, you can upgrade action buttons in multiple TM1 Perspectives workbooks.