Convert dynamic data to snapshots (static data)

If you modify a workbook, worksheet, or exploration that you do not want to update with changes from the content store, you can convert the dynamic data items to snapshots (static data) by disconnecting from the data source.

When you convert dynamic data to snapshots, any query-related information, such as calculations and filters, is removed but the data values are preserved.

Convert all reports
To convert all reports in a workbook to a snapshot, on the toolbar, click Snapshot > Convert Book to Snapshot.
Convert a worksheet
To convert a worksheet to static data, right-click a cell and click IBM® Planning Analytics > Convert to snapshot > Convert worksheet to Snapshot.
Convert a cell or range of cells
To convert a cell or range of cells to static data, right-click a cell or a range and click IBM Planning Analytics > Convert to snapshot > Convert Selected Cells to Snapshot.
Convert data in reports
To convert data in reports, follow these steps:
  • For an Exploration View or list, in the source tree, expand Current Explorations. Right-click the Exploration View or list and click Convert to snapshot. Or, to convert all Exploration Views and lists, right-click the Current Explorations folder and click Convert all to Snapshots.
  • For a Quick Report, in the source tree, expand Quick Reports. Right-click the Quick Report and click Convert to snapshot. Or, to convert all Quick Reports, right-click the Quick Reports folder and click Convert to snapshot.
  • For Custom Reports, Dynamic Reports, and cell-based reports, right-click any cell in the report, click IBM Planning Analytics > Convert to snapshot > Convert worksheet to Snapshot.