
You can use hierarchies in dimensions to see alternative rollups of the data in the same view. For example, you might have a hierarchy that shows an organization that is rolled up by region, and a hierarchy that shows an organization that is rolled up by vice-president.

You can also create hierarchies of member attributes such as color, size, and type. Use these hierarchies for filtering and analysis.

All dimensions include a single hierarchy by default.

Here are some of the benefits of using hierarchies:

  • Hierarchies can improve query performance.
  • You can turn attributes into hierarchies. Modeling attributes as hierarchies instead of dimensions can save memory space. If you use hierarchies, you can have cubes with fewer dimensions. Hierarchies act as virtual dimensions.
  • Hierarchies give you greater flexibility. A single dimension can contain multiple hierarchies; hierarchies act as virtual dimensions, and you can display multiple hierarchies in the same view.
Note: Creating multiple hierarchies in a dimension is disabled in Planning Analytics Workspace by default. You must set the EnableNewHierarchyCreation configuration parameter in the tm1s.cfg file to true to enable hierarchy creation in Planning Analytics Workspace. For more information, see Parameters in the tm1s.cfg File in the Planning Analytics Installation and Configuration documentation.

Sort order

The sort order for hierarchies is determined on the following basis:
  • The default hierarchy (typically, the hierarchy with the same name as the dimension) appears first.
  • The all-leaves hierarchy (typically called Leaves) appears last.
  • All other hierarchies are sorted alphabetically by their caption.