Upgrading from Cognos TM1 version 10.2.x

When you upgrade IBM® Cognos® TM1® version 10.2.x to IBM Planning Analytics version 2.0.0, you need to uninstall the previous version and then install the current version. You cannot install IBM Planning Analytics version 2.0.0 directly over version 10.2.x. You should also plan to back up existing data and configuration files before uninstalling the previous version.

About this task

The following steps provide guidelines for upgrading Cognos TM1 version 10.2.x to the current version.


  1. Back up existing data and configuration files:

    You should plan to back up existing data and configuration files to a safe location for all computers where Cognos TM1 components were installed. For details see the following topics:

  2. Uninstall all Cognos TM1 components:

    If you installed the previous version of Cognos TM1 in a distributed environment, you will need to uninstall the TM1 components from each computer.

  3. Install the current version of IBM Cognos TM1:
  4. After installing the new version of Cognos TM1 Applications, remove the cache of your web browser. If the cache is not removed, the browser may mix old Cognos TM1 Applications and new Cognos TM1 Applications files together.
  5. Restore previous Cognos TM1 data and configuration files:

    Depending on which components you installed, update each computer with your previous data and configuration files.