Back up or restore Planning Analytics Workspace Local

When you back up Planning Analytics Workspace Local, you are saving user information such as preferences, book assets, chat history, recently visited sites, and book marks.

About this task

All data is backed up or restored. You can't selectively back up or restore.

You should back up Planning Analytics Workspace Local regularly to be prepared for disaster recovery.

To perform disaster recovery, follow the steps to install Planning Analytics Workspace Local on a new system. Then follow the steps to restore the application from a backup.

Important: You must perform this task during a system maintenance window because services are stopped and started.
Note: The back up and restore scripts can be used to migrate from Windows Server to Planning Analytics Workspace Distributed only in Planning Analytics Workspace versions 2.0.74 and later.


To back up:

  1. Run one of the following scripts from the <paw_install_location>/scripts folder:
    • For Microsoft Windows Server 2016, use the backup.ps1 <folder-name> script.
    • For Linux, use the <folder-name> script.
    where <folder-name> is the file path and name of the folder to back up to. If you omit <folder-name>, a folder with the current time is created in the backup directory.

To restore:

  1. Run one of the following scripts from the <paw_install_location>/scripts folder:
    • For Microsoft Windows Server 2016, use the restore.ps1 <folder-name> script.
    • For Linux, use the <folder-name> script.
    where <folder-name> is the path and name that contains the data to restore.