Why can't I access Planning Analytics Workspace on Windows Server 2016?

If Planning Analytics Workspace is installed on a Microsoft Windows Server 2016 OS, then you must access it from a different computer. This issue is a limitation of the Microsoft NAT network driver.


  1. Start a PowerShell Window when Planning Analytics Workspace is running and type the following command:
    docker inspect pa-gateway -f' {{.NetworkSettings.Networks.nat.IPAddress}}'

    This gives you the internal IP address of your PA-gateway container. For example:
  2. Access Planning Analytics Workspace from your browser.
    Screen showing log in with the IP address of the PA-gateway.

    This is a dynamic IP address and a new IP address is assigned every time Planning Analytics Workspace is restarted.

  3. To assign a static IP to the PA-gateway container, open a command window and run the following: