Troubleshooting OSGi applications by using developer tools

You can configure the osgiAppConsole-1.0 feature with WebSphere Developer Tools and then use it to determine and analyze the OSGi applications-related issues.

Before you begin

  • Install WebSphere Developer Tools for Eclipse and WebSphere® Application Server Liberty. You can install the tools by using downloaded installation files.
  • Deploy an OSGi application to a running Liberty server.
  • The osgiAppConsole-1.0 feature is available as part of the downloaded compressed files. If the feature is not already installed, then install the feature from the Liberty Repository by using the following command:
    bin\installUtility install osgiAppConsole-1.0


  1. Configure the osgiAppConsole-1.0 feature in the server.xml file.
  2. Add the security configurations.

    The following example shows a sample security configuration with an admin role that uses basic authorization and HTTPS security.

    <httpEndpoint httpPort="9080" httpsPort="9443" id="defaultHttpEndpoint"/>
    <keyStore id="defaultKeyStore" password="Liberty"/>
    <quickStartSecurity userName="admin" userPassword="password"/>
  3. Start the OSGi Application Console or the OSGi Shared Bundle Console by completing one of the following tasks.
    • Start the OSGi Application Console:
      1. In the Servers view, right-click the OSGi module.
      2. Select Launch OSGi Application Console.

      The tools open a browser that displays the OSGi Application Console page.

    • Start the OSGi Shared Bundle Console:
      1. Right-click your server.
      2. Select Utilities > Launch OSGi Shared Bundle Console.

      The tools open a browser that displays the OSGi Shared Bundle Console page.