What's new in IBM Case Manager, Version 5.2.1?

IBM® Case Manager, Version 5.2.1 provides new features and other enhancements.

Enhancements to Case Manager Builder

In Version 5.2.1, Case Manager Builder offers several new features to help you build your solutions.
External documents
You can enable your case type to accept documents from repositories other than the case management repository. To enable support for external documents, you configure a connection to the external repository by using the Administration desktop in IBM Content Navigator. You then add that repository to the IBM Case Manager desktop.
Task properties
You can create properties and assign them at the task level. This makes it possible to associate property values with specific tasks instead of only at the case level. Solution designers can specify task or case as the object type for a property. At runtime, users can edit and update task properties in workflow steps. Task properties can be added to auditing configurations so that they are included in history and timeline views of a case.
External properties
You can configure a properties view to support properties that are managed externally from your solution. These external properties can be from another object model or provided by an external data service.
To-do tasks
You can create tasks that have no workflow associated with them to easily track case-related to-do items. You can use Properties View Designer to create a layout for your to-do tasks. The tasks are presented to users in a list in the To-Do List widget. Case Manager Client users use the to-do task list to easily complete and track progress without workflow dependencies.
Hiding work in role in-baskets
You can configure in-baskets to show users only one task at a time, based on priority settings. The solution designer configures the order and priority for a user role. At runtime, users click a Next item button to see the next work item in the in-basket. This feature ensures that users complete work items with the appropriate order and timing.
Page layouts
To make designing pages for the Case Manager Client solution application easier, Case Manager Builder includes new page layout templates, new page widgets, and improved design operations.
Custom property controls
You can define custom property controls and data types, as well as scripts and services to retrieve external data at runtime. When you register these custom controls and scripts, they are available to use in Properties View Designer.

Enhancements to Case Manager Client

In V5.2.1, Case Manager Client offers several new features to help you manage cases.
As a solution administrator, you can apply custom themes to change the appearance of the Case Manager Client desktop in IBM Content Navigator.
Entry templates
You can create entry templates in IBM Content Navigator to ensure that case documents and attachments are added to the repository in a consistent way.
Favorites and sync
IBM Case Manager uses the new sync feature in IBM Content Navigator to enable users to favorite and sync case folders and documents. After users favorite a folder or document, they can sync the document or contents to their device to ensure that their latest copy is always up to date.
Social collaboration
You can view comments, likes, download counts, and tags for items in cases.
File tracking
Users can check documents in and out of the case management repositories, with file tracking enabled.
Integrated viewer improvement
Case Manager Client is integrated with a new viewer that avoids applet downloads and improves the user experience.

IBM Case Manager administration enhancements

IBM Case Manager V5.2.1 offers several improvements to the way that solution and IT administrators accomplish their work.
IBM Case Manager administration client enhancements
You can now use the IBM Case Manager administration client to do the following tasks:
  • Delete solutions, solution templates, and solution configurations
  • Import and register a widgets package as two separate operations
  • Configure the import solution wizard to skip the page for mapping users and groups
  • Configure auditing of task properties
  • Manage locks and security
Shared or dedicated desktops
You can use a shared desktop to host multiple target environments and solutions. Or you can create additional desktops in IBM® Content Navigator to separate and partition target environments and solutions.

Enhancements to the IBM Case Manager documentation

The V5.2.1 IBM Case Manager documentation includes the following enhancements:
Upgrade scenarios
New topics provide best practices for how to migrate solutions from one environment to another and how to deploy solutions for production. Guidelines help you identify, migrate, and deploy all of the assets that comprise a solution, including IBM Case Manager assets, assets that are managed by other IBM FileNet® P8 products and tools, and assets that are managed by other IBM or external products and tools.
Improved backup and restore roadmaps
The administration guide provides improved roadmap topics that provide links to other resources. This roadmap enhances planning for and performing backup and restore operations in an IBM Case Manager environment.