generateConfig command

The generateConfig command generates one or more configuration XML files for the specified configuration task to configure an IBM® Case Manager application.


The following syntax includes line breaks to format the command for reading. Enter the command and options on a single line without any line breaks.
configmgr_cl generateConfig -repositorytype ldap_repository_type
 -ldap ldap_type -deploy deploy_type content_management_type
 -db database_type -env environment_type
 -profileType profile_type -task task_type
 -taskfile task_file_name -taskname task_display_name
 -profile myprofile -form form_type
  [-silent] [-force] [-help]


-repositorytype ldap_repository_type
Required only when you are generating all the files at the same time or when you are generating a single file by using the configureldap option. Specifies the type of LDAP repository to use and must be standalone or federated.
-ldap ldap_type
Required only when you are generating all the files at the same time or when you are generating a single file by using the configureldap option. This parameter specifies the type of directory service repository that IBM Case Manager uses for authenticating users. Valid values are shown in the following table:
Table 1. Valid LDAP providers
Directory service provider ldap_type value
Active Directory activedirectory
ADAM and AD LDS adam
CA Directory ca
eDirectory edirectory
Oracle Internet Directory Server oid
Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition oracledirectoryse
Tivoli® Directory Server tivoli
-deploy deploy_type
Specifies the type of IBM Case Manager deployment.
Table 2. Valid deploy_type values
Option Description

Specify cluster if you are deploying IBM Case Manager to a web application server cluster.


Specify nd for a network deployment of IBM Case Manager.


Specify standard if you are deploying IBM Case Manager to a stand-alone web application server which is not managed or clustered.

The -deploy parameter is required only when you are generating all the files at the same time or when you are generating a single file by using one of the following -taskfile task_file_name options or -task task_type options:
Table 3. Deployment type is required to generate a single file by using these task options
-taskfile task_file_name -task task_type



















Specify -cm8 for IBM Content Manager.
Specify -bpm for IBM Business Process Manager.
-db database_type
Required only for the configibmcm option. This parameter specifies the type of database that IBM Content Manager uses. Choose a valid value from the following options:
Table 4. Valid database_type values
Environment environment_type value
DB2® db2
Microsoft SQL Server mssql
Oracle oracle
Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) oracle_rac
-env environment_type
Required only when you are generating all the files at the same time or for deploycaseforms.
Table 5. Valid environment_type values
Environment environment_type value
Stand-alone Profile standalone
Deployment Manager Profile dmgr
Managed Profile managed
-profileType profile_type
Indicates which type of profile to generate. The profile type determines which types of tasks can be generated. In general, you must generate and run all of the tasks for a profile type.
Table 6. Valid profile_type values
Option Task files Profile description


If you create a full profile by omitting the -task task_type option, the profile includes a file for the application server properties, a file for Content Engine server properties, and a file for each task.

A WebSphere® Application Server development environment configuration profile can contain the following files:
  • configcaseloginmodules.xml

  • configcmos.xml

  • configibmbpm.xml

  • configibmcm.xml

  • configrules.xml

  • configureldap.xml

  • createapps.xml

  • createibmcmcmis.xml

  • definedefaultprojectarea.xml

  • deploycaseapi.xml

  • deploycaseforms.xml

  • deploycmbapp.xml

  • deployhelp.xml

  • deployibmbpmis.xml

  • deployibmcmcmis.xml

  • deployregisterwidgets.xml

  • deployworkplacext.xml

  • importltpakey.xml

  • registeradmin.xml

  • registerexternaldataurl.xml

  • registerprojectarea.xml

  • registerservices.xml

  • updatecpeclient.xml

The development environment configuration profile prepares the development environment for creating, modifying, and testing solutions before moving them into a production domain.

The profile includes the application server settings, Content Platform Engine server settings, and IBM Content Navigator settings. The profile can include one or more tasks.


If you create a full profile by omitting the -task task_type option, the profile includes a file for the application server properties, a file for Content Engine server properties, and a file for each task.

A WebSphere Application Server production environment configuration profile can contain the following files:
  • configcaseloginmodules.xml

  • configcmos.xml

  • configibmbpm.xml

  • configibmcm.xml

  • configrules.xml

  • configureldap.xml

  • createapps.xml

  • createibmcmcmis.xml

  • definetargetenv.xml

  • deploycaseapi.xml

  • deploycaseforms.xml

  • deployhelp.xml

  • deployibmbpmis.xml

  • deployibmcmcmis.xml

  • deployregisterwidgets.xml

  • deploysolution.xml

  • importltpakey.xml

  • registeradmin.xml

  • registerexternaldataurl.xml

  • registerservices.xml

  • registertargetenv.xml

  • updatecpeclient.xml

The production environment configuration profile prepares the production environment for deploying solutions.

The profile includes the application server settings, Content Platform Engine server settings, and IBM Content Navigator settings. The profile can include one or more tasks.


If you create a full profile by omitting the -task task_type option, the profile includes a file for the application server properties, a file for Content Engine server properties, and a file for each task.

An Oracle WebLogic Server development environment configuration profile can contain the following files:
  • configcmos.xml

  • configrules.xml

  • configureldap.xml

  • createapps.xml

  • definedefaultprojectarea.xml

  • deploycaseapi.xml

  • deploycaseforms.xml

  • deploycmbapp.xml

  • deployhelp.xml

  • deployregisterwidgets.xml

  • deployworkplacext.xml

  • registeradmin.xml

  • registerexternaldataurl.xml

  • registerprojectarea.xml

  • registerservices.xml

  • updatecpeclient.xml

The development environment configuration profile prepares the development environment for creating, modifying, and testing solutions before moving them into a production domain.

The profile includes the application server settings, Content Platform Engine server settings, and IBM Content Navigator settings. The profile can include one or more tasks.


If you create a full profile by omitting the -task task_type option, the profile includes a file for the application server properties, a file for Content Engine server properties, and a file for each task.

An Oracle WebLogic Server production environment configuration profile can contain the following files:
  • configcmos.xml

  • configrules.xml

  • configureldap.xml

  • createapps.xml

  • definetargetenv.xml

  • deploycaseapi.xml

  • deploycaseforms.xml

  • deployhelp.xml

  • deployregisterwidgets.xml

  • deploysolution.xml

  • registeradmin.xml

  • registerexternaldataurl.xml

  • registerservices.xml

  • registertargetenv.xml

  • updatecpeclient.xml

The production environment configuration profile prepares the production environment for deploying solutions.

The profile includes the application server settings, Content Platform Engine server settings, and IBM Content Navigator settings. The profile can include one or more tasks.

Optional: When you specify the -silent parameter, no prompts or informational messages are shown in the console, but the errors are written to the log. Failure messages and validation error messages are shown as needed, such as messages about missing passwords or invalid port numbers. If you run the execute command to run all the tasks in a profile and you specify the -silent parameter, you must also specify the -force parameter.
-task task_type
Indicates which task to generate. You can limit the tasks that are generated for a profile by using the -tasktask_type option. You can omit the -task task_type parameter if you want to generate all the tasks or if you specify the -taskfile task_file_name parameter. The following table describes the valid task names, the associated configuration XML file, and a description of the settings that are affected by the task.
Table 7. Valid task_type values
Option Description

No value is specified.

Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate all of the tasks for the profile. If you omit the -task task_type parameter and the -taskfile task_file_name parameter, all the configuration files for the profile are generated.

See the file list for the profile type in the table for the -profileType type_of_profile entry.


Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for the task for configuring the login modules for the Case Manager Builder application. The login modules provide authentication information for the Case Manager Builder application. If you are deploying Case Manager Builder to the same application server where Content Engine is deployed, skip this task generation.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType wasdevelopmentenvironment | wldevelopmentenvironment option to generate the file for configuring the design and target object stores. This task installs the IBM Case Manager add-ons and creates the required events and subscriptions in Content Engine.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for configuring IBM Business Process Manager.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for configuring IBM Content Manager.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for configuring business rules.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for configuring the directory service provider (LDAP) settings for the Case Manager Builder application. The directory service provider (LDAP) settings define the directory service and the users and groups that uses for authentication.

If you have federated repositories and you must support multiple LDAP servers, create one additional file for each LDAP configuration. When you generate a second connection definition configuration file in the same profile, it is named configureldap.2.xml. The file name increments for each new file that you generate. You cannot change the file name, but you can edit the value in the file for the name of the task.

This option generates the following files:


configureldap.n.xml . n is an integer starting with 2.


Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for updating the IBM Case Manager API WAR file and the Case Manager Builder EAR file with system parameters.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType wasdevelopmentenvironment | wldevelopmentenvironment option to generate the file for creating the IBM Content Manager CMIS WAR file.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for defining the default project area and the connection definition for the development environment target object store.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for defining the target environment and the connection definition for the production environment target object store.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType wasdevelopmentenvironment | wldevelopmentenvironment option to generate the file for deploying the IBM Case Manager API application on the web application server. Deploying the IBM Case Manager API application makes the application available for use by the Case Manager Builder or Case Manager Client application.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for deploying forms applications.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType wasdevelopmentenvironment | wldevelopmentenvironment option to generate the file for deploying a Case Manager Builder application instance on the web application server. Deploying makes the Case Manager Builder application available for use.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for deploying the IBM Case Manager help system.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for deploying IBM Business Process Manager.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for deploying the IBM Content Manager CMIS WAR file.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for registering and deploying a widget package with Case Manager Builder and IBM Content Navigator.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType productionenvironment option to generate the file for deploying an IBM Case Manager solution into a production target object store.

You need one configuration file for each production environment target object store that you deploy a solution to. You can create additional task files in the same profile, or you can create a separate profile for the additional settings. When you generate a second solution deployment configuration file in a profile, it is named deploysolution.2.xml. The file name increments for each new file that you generate. You cannot change the file name, but you can edit the value in the file for the name of the task.

This option generates the following files:


deploysolution.n.xml. n is an integer starting with 2.


Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for deploying the Workplace XT application.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for setting up Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) security between the Content Engine application and the Case Manager Builder application.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for registering the IBM Case Manager administration client with IBM Content Navigator.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file that registers a data source other than Content Platform Engine.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for registering the project area with IBM Content Navigator and configures the Content Platform Engine repositories.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for registering the target environment with IBM Content Navigator and configures the Content Platform Engine repositories.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for registering an external data source URL with IBM Case Manager.

This option generates the following file:



Use with the -profileType profile_type option to generate the file for updating the client connector files for Content Platform Engine.

This option generates the following file:


-taskfile task_file_name
Specifies the configuration.xml file to use.
If only one task file exists for the task_type, the -taskfile task_file_name parameter is optional.
If more than one task file for the task_type exists, you must include the -taskfile task_file_name parameter. The task_file value is case sensitive if your operating system is case sensitive for file names.
-taskname task_display_name
Specifies the task display name. Use this option with the -task task_type or -taskfile task_file_name to provide a custom display name for the task. If you omit this parameter, a default display name is used. When you configure multiple tasks of the same type (for example, multiple deploysolution tasks), ensure that you enter descriptive display names for each task.
-profile myprofile
Specifies the profile to use. The myprofile value can be one of the following items:
  • The name of the profile, such as develop1. The profile is located in the install_path/CaseManagement/configure/profiles directory. install_path is the location where IBM Case Manager is installed.
  • The full path to the profile directory, such as "C:\Program Files\IBM\CaseManagement\configure\profiles\develop1" or /opt/IBM/CaseManagement/configure/profiles/develop1.
  • The full path to the profile input file, such as "C:\Program Files\IBM\CaseManagement\configure\profiles\develop1\develop1.cfgp" or /opt/IBM/CaseManagement/configure/profiles/develop1/develop1.cfgp.
-form form_type
Specifies the form type to integrate with IBM Case Manager. If you specify ibmforms, IBM Case Manager will be configured to use eForms and IBM Forms. The form_type value can be one of the following items:
  • eforms
  • ibmforms
Optional and applies only when the -silent parameter is used. When you specify the -force parameter, the task is run without pausing for required responses to validation error messages, such as messages about missing passwords or invalid port numbers.
Optional: Shows a brief message on the command syntax instead of running the command.

Sample commands

The following examples include line breaks to format the command for reading. Enter the command and options on a single line without any line breaks.
Generate all configuration files at the same time for a profile.
The following command generates all the configuration XML files for a new development environment configuration profile for a standard deployment with IBM Tivoli Directory Server that uses a stand-alone LDAP repository in the install_path/CaseManagement/configure/profiles/Develop1 directory:
configmgr_cl generateConfig -repositorytype standalone
 -ldap tivoli -deploy standard
 -db db2 -env standalone
 -profileType wasdevelopmentenvironment
 -profile Develop1
Generate only the deploysolution task file.
The following command generates only the deploysolution.xml file for a production environment profile in the install_path/CaseManagement/configure/profiles/Production1 directory:
configmgr_cl generateConfig 
 -profileType wasproductionenvironment
 -task deploysolution -profile Production1

If a deploysolution.xml file is already in the profile directory, the file name is incremented, for example, deploysolution.2.xml.

Generate only the deploysolution task file and provide a display name for the task.
The following command generates only the deploysolution.xml file for a case deployment profile in the install_path/CaseManagement/configure/profiles/Production1 directory and uses a display name of Deploy to object store ObjectStore2:
configmgr_cl generateConfig 
 -profileType wasproductionenvironment
 -task deploysolution  -profile ObjectStore2
 -taskname "Deploy to object store ObjectStore2"
Show the help for the generateConfig command.
The following command shows the help for the generateConfig command:
configmgr_cl generateConfig -help