
The SAML assertion is not valid before this time

This error indicates a timing mismatch between Verify and ADFS. To resolve this synchronization issue you must set the "NotBeforeSkew" parameter.

This parameter specifies the skew, as an integer, for the time stamp that marks the beginning of the validity period. The higher this number is, the further back in time the validity period begins with respect to the time that the claims are issued for the relying party. By default, this value is 0. Specify a positive value if validation fails on the relying party because the validity period has not yet begun. The skew is set in minutes.

For example, to set the skew to two minutes, run the following command on the ADFS server.
Set-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust -TargetIdentifier "<replying party identifier>" -NotBeforeSkew 2