Verify Application programming interfaces (APIs)

Verify application programming interfaces (APIs) can be accessed and used for in-house application development.

Support For more information, see the API documentation in the IBM® Security Verify Documentation Hub.

IBM Training Watch a Verify API video in IBM Training.

HTTP methods

Each API resource is identified by a named Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and is accessed by using the following standard HTTP methods. HTTP methods indicate the intended action on an object.
Table 1. HTTP methods
HTTP method Description
GET Retrieves a resource or relationship at the specified URL.
  • A request at the resource URL level (<resource-noun>) retrieves all instances, subject to search and paging constraints (see search section).
  • A request at the resource ID level (<resource-noun>/<resource-id>) returns an individual resource.
  • A request at the relationship name level (<relationship>) retrieves all relationship instances, subject to search and paging constraints.
  • The default response status code is 200.
  • The pagination for the result can be customized by adding a query parameter such as "count" with a maximum value of 1000.
  • A request at the relationship ID level (<relationship>/<relationship-id>) returns an individual relationship instance.
POST Creates a resource or relationship at the specified URL.
  • A request at the resource URL level (<resource-noun>) creates the resource.
  • A request at the relationship ID level (<relationship>) creates the new relationship.
  • Can be used for bulkload creation.
PUT Updates a resource or relationship at the specified URL
  • A request at the resource URL level (<resource-noun>) updates the resource.
  • A request at the relationship ID level (<relationship>) updates the new relationship. Not all relationships can be modified, so in some cases this can be considered a bad request.
  • A request to change read-only information (such as the resource or relationship identifier) is considered a bad request.

Used for partial updates of a resource.

  • ​A request at the resource type URL level (<resource-noun> updates just the deltas of the properties that are provided in the request the specified resource.
  • The content type for PATCH is application/json-patch+json.
  • If a delete operation is specified with the main identifier (unique ID or property that maps to a primary key), the entire object is deleted.
DELETE Removes a resource or relationship at the specified URL.
Note: For bulkload deletion, use PATCH.