Streamtool commands

Streamtool is the IBM® Streams command-line interface.

Before you begin

The streamtool command must be enabled for the Streams instance. For more information, see Accessing the streamtool command.


To run streamtool from the IBM Streams ops resource:

  1. Use the oc exec command to open a terminal window to the resource by running the following command:
    oc exec -it <instance-name>-ops-0 –- bash
    where <instance-name> is the name of the IBM Streams instance.
  2. Enter the streamtool commands that you want to run.
    Tip: The --User parameter must be specified on some streamtool commands. Alternatively, you can set the STREAMS_INSTANCE_USER environment variable in the ops resource.
Important: When the IBM Streams instance is deleted, changes that you made by using streamtool are not preserved.

When you use the interactive streamtool interface, common options and user information is cached so that you do not need to specify them in every command. To enter the interactive mode, run the following command: streamtool. To exit interactive mode, enter exit or quit.

To obtain a list of all the streamtool commands and their syntax, enter streamtool help.

To obtain the help information for a specific streamtool command, enter streamtool man <command-name>.

To get reference information for the IBM Streams properties, enter streamtool man properties.