IBM Streams 4.3.0

Views, charts, and tables

A view defines the set of attributes that can be displayed in a chart or table for a specific viewable data stream.

A view is the data stream that is produced by an operator output port that is has an @view annotation defined or that is defined in the IBM® Streams Console. When a view is started, it buffers the stream data for an active job. If you later cancel the job, the view can be restarted when another job is submitted for the same application.

You can optionally specify how much historical data to buffer in the view, when to start buffering data, and create a filter to restrict the tuple data that is kept in the view. With the IBM Streams REST API, you can retrieve view information by using the REST API view collection resources.

After you create a view, you can use the buffered view data to create and save charts and tables. A chart can be used to graphically visualize numeric attributes only. A table can include numeric attributes and other types of data such as strings and timestamps. In Streams Studio, you can view streaming data in a table format only. With the IBM Streams REST API, you can access the buffered tuple data from custom applications to build custom charts and tables by using third-party tools.