Functions: spl 1.4.0


Return the PE ID for the current processing element that this operator is executing in.
Value of PI.
Abort program execution.
Compute the absolute value.
Compute the absolute value.
Compute the absolute value.
Compute the absolute value.
Compute the absolute value of a list.
Compute the absolute value of a list.
Compute the arc-cosine.
add(timestamp, float64)
Add a time difference in seconds (as float64) to a timestamp.
add(timestamp, int64)
Add a time difference in nanoseconds (as int64) to a timestamp.
appLog(enum{error, warn, info}, T)
Log a message in the logging system.
appLog(enum{error, warn, info}, T, T)
Log a message in the logging system.
appTrc(enum{error, warn, info, debug, trace}, T)
Log a message in the tracing system.
appTrc(enum{error, warn, info, debug, trace}, T, T)
Log a message in the tracing system.
appendM(blob, list<uint8>)
Append a list of bytes to a blob.
appendM(blob, uint8)
Append a byte to a blob.
appendM(list<T>, T)
Append to a list (mutating version).
appendM(list<T>[N], T)
Append to a bounded list (mutating version).
appendM(rstring[N], rstring)
Append an rstring to a bounded rstring.
appendM(rstring[N], rstring[M])
Append a bounded rstring to a bounded rstring.
Compute the arcsine.
Check assertion at runtime in non-optimized code.
assert(boolean, T)
Check assertion at runtime in non-optimized code (with a specified message).
Check assertion at runtime in non-optimized code.
Check assertion at runtime in non-optimized code.
assert(map<T, boolean>)
Check assertion at runtime in non-optimized code.
assert(map<T, boolean>[N])
Check assertion at runtime in non-optimized code.
assignFrom(T1, T2)
Assign matching attributes of a tuple from another one.
at(list<T>, list<uint32>)
Access multiple elements of a list.
at(list<T>[N], list<uint32>)
Access multiple elements of a list.
Compute the arc-tangent.
Compute the average of a list.
Compute the average of a list.
Get the size of a blob.
Block until shutdown is requested, or the specified amount of time has elapsed, whichever comes first.
Compute the smallest integer value equal to or greater than a value.
Compute the smallest integer value equal to or greater than a value.
Compute the smallest integer value equal to or greater than a value.
Clear (empty) a list.
Clear (empty) a list.
Clear the error and end-of-file indicators for an open file.
concat(list<T>, list<T>)
Concatenate two lists.
concat(list<T>, list<T>[N])
Concatenate two lists.
concat(list<T>[N], list<T>)
Concatenate two lists.
concat(list<T>[N], list<T>[M])
Concatenate two lists.
concat(rstring, rstring)
Concatenate two rstring strings, returning an rstring.
concat(rstring, rstring[N])
Concatenate an rstring with a bounded rstring, returning an rstring.
concat(rstring[N], rstring)
Concatenate a bounded rstring with an rstring, returning an rstring.
concat(rstring[N], rstring[M])
Concatenate two bounded rstring strings, returning an rstring.
concatM(list<T>, list<T>)
Concatenate two lists (mutating version).
concatM(list<T>, list<T>[N])
Concatenate two lists (mutating version).
concatM(list<T>[N], list<T>)
Concatenate two lists (mutating version).
concatM(list<T>[N], list<T>[M])
Concatenate two lists (mutating version).
concatM(set<T>, set<T>)
Concatenate two sets (mutating version).
concatM(set<T>, set<T>[N])
Concatenate two sets (mutating version).
concatM(set<T>[N], set<T>)
Concatenate two sets (mutating version).
concatM(set<T>[N], set<T>[M])
Concatenate two sets (mutating version).
Convert a blob to an rstring.
convertFromUtf8(rstring, rstring)
Convert a UTF-8 encoded string into data as raw bytes with a specified encoding.
convertFromUtf8ToString(rstring, rstring)
Convert a UTF-8 encoded string into a string with a specified encoding.
Convert an rstring to a blob.
convertToUtf8(list<uint8>, rstring)
Convert data given as raw bytes with a specified encoding into a UTF-8 encoded string.
convertToUtf8(list<uint8>[N], rstring)
Convert data given as raw bytes with a specified encoding into a UTF-8 encoded string.
convertToUtf8(rstring, rstring)
Convert data given as raw bytes with a specified encoding into a UTF-8 encoded string.
convertToXML(X, T)
Convert a string to XML, returning the success status.
convertToXML(X, T, int32)
Convert a string to XML, returning the success status and an error code.
Compute the cosine.
Compute the distinct count of a list.
Compute the distinct count of a list.
createCustomMetric(rstring, rstring, enum{Gauge, Counter, Time}, int64)
Create the specified custom metric for the current operator and set its initial value.
createCustomMetric(ustring, ustring, enum{Gauge, Counter, Time}, int64)
Create the specified custom metric for the current operator and set its initial value.
createTimestamp(int64, uint32)
Create a timestamp given the number of seconds and nanoseconds elapsed since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970).
createTimestamp(int64, uint32, int32)
Create a timestamp given the number of seconds and nanoseconds elapsed since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970), and a machine identifier that identifies the computer where the time measurement was taken.
Tokenize a string containing comma-separated values.
Tokenize a string containing comma-separated values.
Convert a timestamp to a date and time string, using the current timezone.
Return the absolute pathname to the runtime location of the data directory for the SPL application.
Extract the day of month from a timestamp, using the current timezone.
Extract the day of week from a timestamp, using the current timezone.
Extract the day of year from a timestamp, using the current timezone.
diffAsNanos(timestamp, timestamp)
Compute the difference between two timestamps in nanoseconds (as int64).
diffAsSecs(timestamp, timestamp)
Compute the difference between two timestamps in seconds (as float64).
Return the domain ID for the domain that the PE is running in.
evalPredicate(rstring, T, int32)
Evaluates an SPL predicate expression, represented as an rstring, using the given tuple.
Compute e to a power.
Compute e to a power.
fclose(uint64, int32)
Close a file.
Test if the stream is at the end of the file.
fflush(uint64, int32)
Flush a file to disk.
find(list<T>, T)
Find the matching values in a list, given a value to search for.
find(list<T>[N], T)
Find the matching values in a list, given a value to search for.
findFirst(T, T)
Find a substring in a string, starting at index 0, where 0 is the first logical character in the input string.
findFirst(T, T, int32)
Find a substring in a string.
findFirst(list<T>, T)
Find the first occurrence of a matching value in a list, given a value to search for, starting at index 0.
findFirst(list<T>, T, int32)
Find the first occurrence of a matching value in a list, given a value to search for.
findFirst(list<T>, list<T>)
Find the first occurrence of a matching sequence of values in a list, starting at index 0.
findFirst(list<T>, list<T>, int32)
Find the first occurrence of a matching sequence of values in a list.
findFirst(list<T>[N], T)
Find the first occurrence of a matching value in a list, given a value to search for, starting at index 0.
findFirst(list<T>[N], T, int32)
Find the first occurrence of a matching value in a list, given a value to search for.
findFirst(list<T>[N], list<T>[M])
Find the first occurrence of a matching sequence of values in a list, starting at index 0.
findFirst(list<T>[N], list<T>[M], int32)
Find the first occurrence of a matching sequence of values in a list.
findFirstNotOf(T, T)
Find a non-matching character in a string, starting at index 0, where 0 is the first logical character in the input string.
findFirstNotOf(T, T, int32)
Find a non-matching character in a string.
findFirstNotOf(list<T>, list<T>)
Find the first occurrence of a non-matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for, starting at index 0.
findFirstNotOf(list<T>, list<T>, int32)
Find the first occurrence of a non-matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findFirstNotOf(list<T>, list<T>[N])
Find the first occurrence of a non-matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for, starting at index 0.
findFirstNotOf(list<T>, list<T>[N], int32)
Find the first occurrence of a non-matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findFirstNotOf(list<T>[N], list<T>)
Find the first occurrence of a non-matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for, starting at index 0.
findFirstNotOf(list<T>[N], list<T>, int32)
Find the first occurrence of a non-matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findFirstNotOf(list<T>[N], list<T>[M])
Find the first occurrence of a non-matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for, starting at index 0.
findFirstNotOf(list<T>[N], list<T>[M], int32)
Find the first occurrence of a non-matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findFirstOf(T, T)
Find a matching character in a string, starting at index 0, where 0 is the first logical character in the input string.
findFirstOf(T, T, int32)
Find a matching character in a string.
findFirstOf(list<T>, list<T>)
Find the first occurrence of a matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for, starting at index 0.
findFirstOf(list<T>, list<T>, int32)
Find the first occurrence of a matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findFirstOf(list<T>, list<T>[N])
Find the first occurrence of a matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for, starting at index 0.
findFirstOf(list<T>, list<T>[N], int32)
Find the first occurrence of a matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findFirstOf(list<T>[N], list<T>)
Find the first occurrence of a matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for, starting at index 0.
findFirstOf(list<T>[N], list<T>, int32)
Find the first occurrence of a matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findFirstOf(list<T>[N], list<T>[M])
Find the first occurrence of a matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for, starting at index 0.
findFirstOf(list<T>[N], list<T>[M], int32)
Find the first occurrence of a matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findLast(T, T, int32)
Find a substring in a string.
findLast(list<T>, T, int32)
Find the last occurrence of a matching value in a list, given a value to search for.
findLast(list<T>, list<T>, int32)
Find the last occurrence of a matching sequence of values in a list.
findLast(list<T>[N], T, int32)
Find the last occurrence of a matching value in a list, given a value to search for.
findLast(list<T>[N], list<T>[M], int32)
Find the last occurrence of a matching sequence of values in a list.
findLastNotOf(T, T, int32)
Find the last non-matching character in a string.
findLastNotOf(list<T>, list<T>, int32)
Find the last occurrence of a non-matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findLastNotOf(list<T>, list<T>[N], int32)
Find the last occurrence of a non-matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findLastNotOf(list<T>[N], list<T>, int32)
Find the last occurrence of a non-matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findLastNotOf(list<T>[N], list<T>[M], int32)
Find the last occurrence of a non-matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findLastOf(T, T, int32)
Find a matching character in a string.
findLastOf(list<T>, list<T>, int32)
Find the last occurrence of a matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findLastOf(list<T>, list<T>[N], int32)
Find the last occurrence of a matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findLastOf(list<T>[N], list<T>, int32)
Find the last occurrence of a matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findLastOf(list<T>[N], list<T>[M], int32)
Find the last occurrence of a matching value in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findNotOf(list<T>, list<T>)
Find the non-matching values in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findNotOf(list<T>, list<T>[N])
Find the non-matching values in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findNotOf(list<T>[N], list<T>)
Find the non-matching values in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findNotOf(list<T>[N], list<T>[M])
Find the non-matching values in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findOf(list<T>, list<T>)
Find the matching values in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findOf(list<T>, list<T>[N])
Find the matching values in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findOf(list<T>[N], list<T>)
Find the matching values in a list, given a list of values to search for.
findOf(list<T>[N], list<T>[M])
Find the matching values in a list, given a list of values to search for.
Compute the largest integer value equal to or less than a value.
Flush all stdio output streams.
fmod(T, T)
Return the floating point remainder (see man 3 fmod for details and return values).
fopen(rstring, rstring, int32)
Open a file.
fopen(ustring, ustring, int32)
Open a file.
Format a float using locale specific format.
formatNumber(float64, uint32, uint32, boolean)
Format a float using locale specific format.
Format an integer using locale specific format.
formatNumber(int64, uint32)
Format an integer using locale specific format.
fread(list<uint8>, uint64, uint64, int32)
Read a list of bytes from a file using binary format.
freadBin(T, uint64, int32)
Read an SPL value from a file using binary format.
freadLine(uint64, int32)
Read a line from a file.
freadToken(uint64, int32)
Read a 'token' from a file.
freadTxt(T, uint64, int32)
Read an SPL value from a file as a text string.
freadfile(blob, uint64, int32)
Read a whole file into a blob as binary.
Convert to a timestamp a decimal128 value that preserves the precision of a timestamp, and represents the time as the number of seconds (including fractions) elapsed since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970).
fseek(uint64, int64, int32, int32)
Set the current file position.
fstat(rstring, rstring, timestamp, int32)
Return timestamp information about a file.
fstat(rstring, rstring, uint64, int32)
Return information about a file.
fstat(uint64, rstring, timestamp, int32)
Return timestamp information about a file.
fstat(uint64, rstring, uint64, int32)
Return information about a file.
fstat(uint64, ustring, timestamp, int32)
Return timestamp information about a file.
fstat(uint64, ustring, uint64, int32)
Return information about a file.
fstat(ustring, ustring, timestamp, int32)
Return timestamp information about a file.
fstat(ustring, ustring, uint64, int32)
Return information about a file.
ftell(uint64, int32)
Return the current file position.
fwrite(list<uint8>, uint64, uint64, uint64, int32)
Write a list of bytes to a file using binary format.
fwriteBin(T, uint64, int32)
Write an SPL value to a file using binary format.
fwriteString(T, uint64, int32)
Write a string to a file.
fwriteTxt(T, uint64, int32)
Write an SPL value to a file as a text string.
fwriteblob(blob, uint64, int32)
Write a blob into a file as binary.
Get the parallel channel indexes for all nested parallel regions.
Get the maximum number of parallel channels for all nested parallel regions.
getApplicationConfiguration(map<rstring, rstring>, rstring)
Get the application configuration with the given name.
getApplicationConfigurationProperty(rstring, rstring, int32)
Get the value associated with the given configuration property propertyName from the configuration identified by configName.
getApplicationConfigurationProperty(rstring, rstring, rstring)
Get the value associated with the given configuration property propertyName from the configuration identified by configName.
Return the runtime location of the full path to the SPL application directory.
Return the name of the application that is executing this operator.
Obtain the CPU counter, which is an indication of relative time, in nanoseconds.
Get the parallel channel index.
Return the named compiler invocation argument list value (name="value0,value1").
Return a named compiler invocation argument value (name=value).
getCompileTimeValue(rstring, rstring)
Return a named compiler invocation argument value (name=value).
Get the hostname used by the streams instance for this host.
Gets the index of the consistent region.
Return the names of the custom metrics for the current operator.
getCustomMetricValue(rstring, int64)
Get the specified custom metric value for the current operator.
getCustomMetricValue(ustring, int64)
Get the specified custom metric value for the current operator.
Gets the drain timeout of a consistent region.
Get the value of an environment variable.
getEnvironmentVariable(rstring, boolean)
Get the value of an environment variable.
getEnvironmentVariable(rstring, rstring)
Get the value of an environment variable.
Get the event time of the specified tuple.
Get the host name.
Get the IP address for the current host.
getInputPortImportFilterExpression(uint32, int32)
Get the filter expression for an input port that receives a stream that is imported.
getInputPortImportSubscription(uint32, int32)
Get the import subscription for an input port that receives a stream that is imported by subscription.
getInputPortMetricValue(uint32, enum{nTuplesProcessed, nTuplesDropped, nTuplesQueued, nWindowPunctsProcessed, nFinalPunctsProcessed, nWindowPunctsQueued, nFinalPunctsQueued, queueSize, maxItemsQueued, recentMaxItemsQueued, recentMaxItemsQueuedInterval, nEnqueueWaits}, int64)
Get the specified input port metric value for the current operator.
Return the name of the job group for the current job that this operator is executing in.
Return the name of the current job that this operator is executing in.
Get the parallel channel index.
Get the maximum number of parallel channels.
Extract the machine identifier from a timestamp.
Return the name of the main composite.
Get the maximum number of parallel channels.
Extract the part of a timestamp that represents the number of namoseconds elapsed since a whole number of seconds since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970).
getOperatorMetricValue(enum{relativeOperatorCost}, int64)
Get the specified system metric value for the current operator.
Return the maximum congestion factor for all the connections from an output port that connect to another PE.
getOutputPortExportProperties(list<tuple<rstring name, rstring value, rstring typ>>, uint32)
Get the export properties for an output port that produces a stream that is exported with properties.
getOutputPortMetricValue(uint32, enum{nTuplesSubmitted, nWindowPunctsSubmitted, nFinalPunctsSubmitted}, int64)
Get the specified output port metric value for the current operator.
getPEOutputPortConnections(uint32, list<tuple<int64 pe, int64 port, uint8 congestionFactor, uint64 nTuplesFilteredOut>>)
Return the connection information for an output port that connects to another PE.
Return the number of times the PE that the operator is executing in has been relaunched.
If the operator is in a consistent region, this function returns the number of attempts made to reset the consistent region to a consistent state.
Gets the reset timeout of a consistent region.
Extract the part of a timestamp that represents the number of whole seconds elapsed since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970).
Gets the current sequence identifier of a consistent region.
Get the short host name.
Return the named submission time list value (name="value0,value1").
getSubmissionTimeListValue(rstring, list<rstring>)
Return the named submission time list value (name="value0,value1").
Return the named submission time value (name="value").
getSubmissionTimeValue(rstring, rstring)
Return the named submission time value (name="value").
Return the name of the current composite instance.
Return the full pathname of the runtime location of the directory containing the current SPL file as an rstring.
Return the current SPL file name as an rstring.
Return the full pathname of the runtime location of the current SPL file as an rstring.
Return the current line number as an int32.
Get the logical name of the operator.
Get the physical name of the operator.
Return the full path to the runtime location of the root directory of the toolkit containing the current SPL file.
Get the current wall clock time as a timestamp.
Get the current wall clock time as the number of seconds (including fractions) elapsed since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970).
Extract the day of month from a timestamp, using the UTC timezone.
Extract the day of week from a timestamp, using the UTC timezone.
Extract the day of year from a timestamp, using the UTC timezone.
Extract the hour from a timestamp, using the UTC timezone.
Extract the minute from a timestamp, using the UTC timezone.
Extract the month from a timestamp, using the UTC timezone.
Extract the second from a timestamp, using the UTC timezone.
gmtime(timestamp, tuple<int32 sec, int32 min, int32 hour, int32 mday, int32 mon, int32 year, int32 wday, int32 yday, int32 isdst, int32 gmtoff, rstring zone>)
Convert a timestamp to a broken-down time (using the type), using the UTC timezone.
Extract the year from a timestamp, using the UTC timezone.
has(list<T>, T)
Find whether a given value exists in a list.
has(list<T>[N], T)
Find whether a given value exists in a list.
has(map<K, V>, K)
Find whether a given key exists in a map.
has(map<K, V>[N], K)
Find whether a given key exists in a map.
has(set<T>, T)
Find whether a given value exists in a set.
has(set<T>[N], T)
Find whether a given value exists in a set.
Check if the specified custom metric exists.
Check if the specified custom metric exists.
Compute the hash of a value.
Compute hashes of a list of values, using the same hashing method as hashCode().
Extract the hour from a timestamp, using the current timezone.
Return the 'imaginary' part of a complex number.
Return the 'imaginary' part of a complex number.
Return a float64 infinity.
Return a float32 infinity.
Return the index corresponding to an input port.
insert(list<T>, T, int32)
Insert a value into a list.
insert(list<T>, list<T>, int32)
Insert a list of values into a list.
insert(list<T>, list<T>[N], int32)
Insert a list of values into a list.
insert(list<T>[N], T, int32)
Insert a value into a list.
insert(list<T>[N], list<T>, int32)
Insert a list of values into a list.
insert(list<T>[N], list<T>[M], int32)
Insert a list of values into a list.
insert(map<K, V>, K, V)
Insert an element into a map.
insert(map<K, V>[N], K, V)
Insert an element into a map.
insert(set<V>, V)
Insert a value into a set.
insert(set<V>[N], V)
Insert a value into a set.
insertM(list<T>, T, int32)
Insert a value into a list (mutating version).
insertM(list<T>, list<T>, int32)
Insert values into a list (mutating version).
insertM(list<T>, list<T>[N], int32)
Insert values into a list (mutating version).
insertM(list<T>[N], T, int32)
Insert a value into a list (mutating version).
insertM(list<T>[N], list<T>, int32)
Insert values into a list (mutating version).
insertM(list<T>[N], list<T>[M], int32)
Insert values into a list (mutating version).
insertM(map<K, V>, K, V)
Insert an element into a map (mutating version).
insertM(map<K, V>[N], K, V)
Insert an element into a map (mutating version).
insertM(set<V>, V)
Insert a value into a set (mutating version).
insertM(set<V>[N], V)
Insert a value into a set (mutating version).
Return the Streams instance ID that the PE is running in.
int64TicksFromTimestamp(timestamp, Sys.Resolution)
Convert an SPL timestamp to a number of time units at a specified resolution.
Interpret a string literal stored in a UTF-8 encoded string as an rstring.
Interpret a string literal stored in a UTF-8 encoded string as a ustring.
Get the end of the current timeInterval window.
Get the start of the current timeInterval window.
Check if the input port is consistent.
Check if the input port is a control port.
Return if this XML value contains the default (uninitialized) value.
Return whether the value is EACCES.
Return whether the value is EAGAIN.
Return whether the value is EBADF.
Return whether the value is EFAULT.
Return whether the value is EFBIG.
Return whether the value is EINTR.
Return whether the value is EINVAL.
Return whether the value is EIO.
Return whether the value is EISDIR.
Return whether the value is ELOOP.
Return whether the value is EMFILE.
Return whether the value is ENAMETOOLONG.
Return whether the value is ENFILE.
Return whether the value is ENODEV.
Return whether the value is ENOENT.
Return whether the value is ENOMEM.
Return whether the value is ENOSPC.
Return whether the value is ENOTDIR.
Return whether the value is ENXIO.
Return whether the value is EOF.
Return whether the value is EOVERFLOW.
Return whether the value is EPERM.
Return whether the value is EPIPE.
Return whether the value is EROFS.
Return whether the value is ESPIPE.
Return whether the value is ETXTBSY.
Return whether the value is EWOULDBLOCK.
Check if the operator is an end operator of a consistent region.
Check if the operator is in a consistent region.
Return whether the floating point value is an infinity.
Return whether the complex value is an infinity.
isLoggable(enum{error, warn, info})
Determine whether a message at the given level would be logged.
Return whether the floating point value is a NaN (Not A Number).
Return whether the complex value is a NaN (Not A Number).
Check if shutdown is requested.
Check if the operator is a start operator of a consistent region.
isTraceable(enum{error, warn, info, debug, trace})
Determine whether a message at the given level would be traced.
Check if the operator is the trigger operator of an operator-driven consistent region.
Return the Job ID for the current job that this operator is executing in.
keys(map<K, V>)
Return a list of the keys in the given map.
keys(map<K, V>[N])
Return a list of the keys in the given map.
kthelem(list<T>, uint32)
Compute the kth element in ascending order.
kthelem(list<T>[N], uint32)
Compute the kth element in ascending order.
Get the length of a string (the number of raw bytes).
lexicographicalCompare(list<T>, list<T>)
Compare two lists in lexicographical order.
lexicographicalCompare(list<T>[N], list<T>[M])
Compare two lists in lexicographical order.
Compute log base 10.
Compute log base 10.
Compute log base e.
Compute log base e.
loadAndFormatResource(rstring, rstring, rstring)
Loads a string from a toolkit resource using the execution locale.
loadAndFormatResource(rstring, rstring, rstring, T)
Loads and formats a string from a toolkit resource using the execution locale.
loadAndFormatResource(rstring, rstring, rstring, T, rstring)
Loads and formats a string from a toolkit resource using the specified locale.
loadAndFormatResource(rstring, rstring, rstring, rstring)
Loads a string from a toolkit resource using the specified locale.
Compute log base e.
Compute log base e.
log(enum{error, info, debug, trace}, T)
Log a message in the tracing system.
log(enum{error, info, debug, trace}, T, T)
Log a message in the tracing system.
Compute log base 10.
Compute log base 10.
Convert a string to lowercase.
ltrim(T, T)
Remove the leading characters from a string.
Make a string literal from an rstring.
makeSequence(T, int32)
Make a sequence.
makeSequence(T, int32)
Make a sequence.
makeSequence(T, int32, T)
Make a sequence.
Make a string literal from a ustring.
max(T, T)
Compute the maximimum of two values.
Find the maximum value in a list.
Find the maximum value in a list.
Compute the median of a list for numeric types that have overloaded the arithmetic operators.
Compute the median of a list for numeric types that have overloaded the arithmetic operators.
min(T, T)
Compute the minimum of two values.
Find the minimum value in a list.
Find the minimum value in a list.
Extract the minute from a timestamp, using the current timezone.
mkdir(rstring, uint32, int32)
Create a directory
Return the name of a temporary file created using a template.
Extract the month from a timestamp, using the current timezone.
Return a float64 NaN (Not A Number).
Return a float32 NaN (Not A Number).
Return the indicator for specifying to seek relative to the current file position.
Return the indicator for specifying to seek relative to the end of the file.
Return the indicator for specifying to seek relative to the start of the file.
Return the index corresponding to an output port.
pairwiseCompare(T, list<T>)
Compare a list, element-wise, with a scalar value.
pairwiseCompare(T, list<T>[N])
Compare a list, element-wise, with a scalar value.
pairwiseCompare(list<T>, T)
Compare a list, element-wise, with a scalar value.
pairwiseCompare(list<T>, list<T>)
Compare two lists, element-wise, up to the end of the shorter list, or of both lists if they are of equal length.
pairwiseCompare(list<T>[N], T)
Compare a list, element-wise, with a scalar value.
pairwiseCompare(list<T>[N], list<T>[N])
Compare two lists, element-wise, up to the end of the shorter list, or of both lists if they are of equal length.
pairwiseMax(list<T>, list<T>)
Compare two lists, element-wise, and fetch the larger or equal value, up to the end of the shorter list, or of both lists if they are of equal length.
pairwiseMax(list<T>[N], list<T>[N])
Compare two lists, element-wise, and fetch the larger or equal value, up to the end of the shorter list, or of both lists if they are of equal length.
pairwiseMin(list<T>, list<T>)
Compare two lists, element-wise, and fetch the smaller or equal value, up to the end of the shorter list, or of both lists if they are of equal length.
pairwiseMin(list<T>[N], list<T>[N])
Compare two lists, element-wise, and fetch the smaller or equal value, up to the end of the shorter list, or of both lists if they are of equal length.
Returns the zero-based index of the trigger firing for the current timeInterval window.
Retrieves the PaneTiming of the current timeInterval window trigger.
parseNumber(float64, rstring)
Parse a string that represents a number, using the current locale.
parseNumber(float64, ustring)
Parse a string that represents a number, using the current locale.
parseNumber(int64, rstring)
Parse a string that represents a base 10 number, using the current locale.
parseNumber(int64, rstring, int32)
Parse a string that represents a number of the specified base, using the current locale.
parseNumber(int64, ustring)
Parse a string that represents a number, using the current locale.
pow(T, T)
Perform exponentiation.
pow(T, T)
Perform exponentiation.
pow(T, T)
Perform exponentiation.
Write any SPL type to the standard output stdout as an SPL literal.
Write a string to the standard output, stdout.
Write a string to the standard output, stdout, followed by a newline, then flush the output.
Write any SPL type to the standard output, stdout, in serialized form, followed by a newline.
Return a random number.
Return a list of random numbers.
Return a list of values in the range from 0 to size(l)-1
Return a list of values in the range from 0 to limit-1
range(int32, int32)
Return a list of values in the range from start to limit-1
range(int32, int32, int32)
Return a list of values in the range from start to limit-1, with an increment of step
Return the 'real' part of a complex number.
Return the 'real' part of a complex number.
regexMatch(rstring, rstring)
Match a string with a regular expression, using POSIX Extended Regular Expressions (ERE), including sub-expression (capture group) matching using parentheses "()".
regexMatch(ustring, ustring)
Match a string with a regular expression, using POSIX Extended Regular Expressions (ERE), including sub-expression (capture group) matching using parentheses "()".
regexMatchPerl(rstring, rstring)
Match a string with a regular expression, using a Perl regular expression, including sub-expression (capture group) matching using parentheses "()".
regexMatchPerl(ustring, ustring)
Match a string with a regular expression, using a Perl regular expression, including sub-expression (capture group) matching using parentheses "()".
regexReplace(rstring, rstring, rstring, boolean)
Match and replace a string with a regular expression, using POSIX Extended Regular Expressions (ERE), including sub-expression (capture group) matching using parentheses "()".
regexReplace(ustring, ustring, ustring, boolean)
Match and replace a string with a regular expression, using POSIX Extended Regular Expressions (ERE), including sub-expression (capture group) matching using parentheses "()".
regexReplacePerl(rstring, rstring, rstring, boolean)
Match and replace a string with a regular expression, using a Perl regular expression, including sub-expression (capture group) matching using parentheses "()".
regexReplacePerl(ustring, ustring, ustring, boolean)
Match and replace a string with a regular expression, using a Perl regular expression, including sub-expression (capture group) matching using parentheses "()".
remove(T, int32)
Remove a value from a list.
remove(T, int32, int32)
Remove values from a list using a range.
remove(T, list<int32>)
Remove values from a list using an index list.
remove(map<K, V>, K)
Remove an element from a map.
remove(map<K, V>[N], K)
Remove an element from a map.
remove(rstring, int32)
Remove a file or directory.
remove(set<K>, K)
Return a set with a value removed.
remove(set<K>[N], K)
Return a set with a value removed.
remove(ustring, int32)
Remove a file or directory.
removeM(T, int32)
Remove a value from a list (mutating version).
removeM(T, int32, int32)
Remove values from a list using a range (mutating version).
removeM(map<K, V>, K)
Remove an element from a map (mutating version).
removeM(map<K, V>[N], K)
Remove an element from a map (mutating version).
removeM(set<K>, K)
Remove a value from a set (mutating version).
removeM(set<K>[N], K)
Remove a value from a set (mutating version).
This function requests the ConsistentRegionControllerMXBean to restore the consistent region to the last established consistent state.
Reverse a list of values.
Reverse a list of values (mutating version).
Set the current file position to the start of the file.
Round a floating point value to the nearest integer.
rtrim(T, T)
Remove the trailing characters from a string.
Extract the second from a timestamp, using the current timezone.
selectFromList(list<boolean>, T, T)
Select element-wise from two lists.
setCustomMetricValue(rstring, int64)
Set the specified custom metric value for the current operator.
setCustomMetricValue(ustring, int64)
Set the specified custom metric value for the current operator.
setDifference(T, T)
Compute the difference of two sets.
setInputPortImportFilterExpression(rstring, uint32)
Set the filter expression for an input port that receives a stream that is imported.
setInputPortImportSubscription(rstring, uint32)
Set the import subscription for an input port that receives a stream that is imported by subscription.
setIntersection(T, T)
Compute the intersection of two sets.
setOutputPortExportProperties(T, uint32)
Set the export properties for an output port that produces a stream that is exported with properties.
setOutputPortExportProperties(list<tuple<rstring name, rstring value, rstring typ>>, uint32)
Set the export properties for an output port that produces a stream that is exported with properties.
setUnion(T, T)
Compute the union of two sets.
Shutdown the current processing element (PE).
Compute the sine.
Get the size of a list.
Get the size of a list.
slice(T, int32, int32)
Slice a list: extract items from a list.
slice(T, int32, int32, int32)
Slice a list: extract items from a list.
slice(T, int32, int32, int32, int32)
Slice a list: extract items from a list.
Sort a list of values.
Sort a list of values.
Sort a list of values and return a list of indexes that specify the values in sorted order.
Sort a list of values and return a list of indexes that specify the values in sorted order.
Sort a list of values (mutating version).
Sort a list of values (mutating version).
Compute the square root.
Seed the random number generator.
Compute the standard deviation of a list.
stddev(list<T>, boolean)
Compute the standard deviation of a list.
Compute the standard deviation of a list.
stddev(list<T>[N], boolean)
Compute the standard deviation of a list.
Convert an errno value to a string for intelligent printing.
strftime(tuple<int32 sec, int32 min, int32 hour, int32 mday, int32 mon, int32 year, int32 wday, int32 yday, int32 isdst, int32 gmtoff, rstring zone>, rstring)
Convert a broken-down time (using the type) to a date and time string, using strftime.
strptime(rstring, rstring, tuple<int32 sec, int32 min, int32 hour, int32 mday, int32 mon, int32 year, int32 wday, int32 yday, int32 isdst, int32 gmtoff, rstring zone>, uint32)
Convert a date and time string to a broken-down time (using the type), using strptime.
Convert a string to a floating point number.
strtod(rstring, int32)
Convert a string to a floating point number.
strtoll(rstring, int32)
Convert a string in base 2 to 36 to an signed number.
strtoll(rstring, int32, int32)
Convert a string in base 2 to 36 to an signed number.
strtoull(rstring, int32)
Convert a string in base 2 to 36 to an unsigned number.
strtoull(rstring, int32, int32)
Convert a string in base 2 to 36 to an unsigned number.
substring(T, int32, int32)
Get a substring from a string.
Compute the sum of a list.
Compute the sum of a list.
swap(T, T)
Swap any two SPL values
Compute the tangent.
time(timestamp, rstring, tuple<int32 sec, int32 min, int32 hour, int32 mday, int32 mon, int32 year, int32 wday, int32 yday, int32 isdst, int32 gmtoff, rstring zone>)
Convert a timestamp to a broken-down time (using the type), using a specified timezone.
time(timestamp, tuple<int32 sec, int32 min, int32 hour, int32 mday, int32 mon, int32 year, int32 wday, int32 yday, int32 isdst, int32 gmtoff, rstring zone>)
Convert a timestamp to a broken-down time (using the type), using the current timezone.
timeStringToTimestamp(rstring, rstring, boolean)
Convert date and time strings into a timestamp, using the current timezone.
timeStringToTimestamp(rstring, rstring, rstring, boolean)
Convert date and time strings into a timestamp, using the specified timezone.
timeStringToTimestamp(ustring, ustring, boolean)
Convert date and time strings into a timestamp, using the current timezone.
timeStringToTimestamp(ustring, ustring, ustring, boolean)
Convert date and time strings into a timestamp, using the specified timezone.
timeStringtoTimestamp(rstring, rstring, boolean)
timeStringtoTimestamp(rstring, rstring, rstring, boolean)
timeStringtoTimestamp(ustring, ustring, boolean)
timeStringtoTimestamp(ustring, ustring, ustring, boolean)
Convert the first character of a string to its corresponding ASCII code.
Convert a timestamp to a decimal128 value that preserves the precision of the timestamp, and represents the time as the number of seconds (including fractions) elapsed since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970).
Convert a list to a set.
Convert a list to a set.
toTimestamp(enum{YYYYMMDDhhmmss, YYYY_MM_DD_hh_mm_ss, MM_DD_YYYY_hh_mm_ss, DD_MM_YYYY_hh_mm_ss, YYYY_MM_DD_hh_mm_ss_mmm, MM_DD_YYYY_hh_mm_ss_mmm, DD_MM_YYYY_hh_mm_ss_mmm}, T)
Converts a date and time string into a timestamp, using the current timezone.
toTimestamp(enum{YYYYMMDDhhmmss, YYYY_MM_DD_hh_mm_ss, MM_DD_YYYY_hh_mm_ss, DD_MM_YYYY_hh_mm_ss, YYYY_MM_DD_hh_mm_ss_mmm, MM_DD_YYYY_hh_mm_ss_mmm, DD_MM_YYYY_hh_mm_ss_mmm}, T, T)
Converts a date and time string into a timestamp, using the specified timezone.
toTimestamp(int64, Sys.Resolution)
Construct an SPL timestamp from a number of time units with the specified resolution.
toTimestamp(tuple<int32 sec, int32 min, int32 hour, int32 mday, int32 mon, int32 year, int32 wday, int32 yday, int32 isdst, int32 gmtoff, rstring zone>)
Convert a broken-down time (using the type) into a timestamp.
toTimestamp(tuple<int32 sec, int32 min, int32 hour, int32 mday, int32 mon, int32 year, int32 wday, int32 yday, int32 isdst, int32 gmtoff, rstring zone>, boolean)
Convert a broken-down time (using the type) into a timestamp, using a parameter to specify whether to use the default timezone.
toTimestamp(uint64, Sys.Resolution)
Construct an SPL timestamp from a number of time units with the specified resolution.
tokenize(rstring, rstring, boolean)
Tokenize a string.
tokenize(rstring, rstring, boolean, boolean, list<rstring>)
Tokenize a string.
tokenize(ustring, ustring, boolean)
Tokenize a string.
tokenize(ustring, ustring, boolean, boolean, list<ustring>)
Tokenize a string.
trim(T, T)
Remove the leading and trailing characters from a string.
uint64TicksFromTimestamp(timestamp, Sys.Resolution)
Convert an SPL timestamp to a number of time units at a specified resolution.
Convert a string to uppercase.
xquery(X, rstring)
Execute an XQuery program against an XML value and return a list of results.
xquery(X, rstring, int32)
Execute an XQuery program against an XML value and return a list of results.
xquery(X, rstring, map<rstring, rstring>)
Execute an XQuery program against an XML value and return a list of results.
xquery(X, rstring, map<rstring, rstring>, int32)
Execute an XQuery program against an XML value and return a list of results.
xquery(X, ustring)
Execute an XQuery program against an XML value and return a list of results.
xquery(X, ustring, int32)
Execute an XQuery program against an XML value and return a list of results.
xquery(X, ustring, map<ustring, ustring>)
Execute an XQuery program against an XML value and return a list of results.
xquery(X, ustring, map<ustring, ustring>, int32)
Execute an XQuery program against an XML value and return a list of results.
Extract the year from a timestamp, using the current timezone.