Using the toolkit with IBM Cloud Object Storage

Before you begin

Create an instance of IBM COS.

Create IBM COS service credentials

Use the following steps to create a service credential:

  1. Log in to the IBM Cloud console and navigate to your instance of Object Storage.
  2. In the side navigation, click Service Credentials.
  3. Click New credential and provide the necessary information.
  4. Click Add to generate service credential.
  5. Click View credentials and copy JSON into clipboard.

Save Credentials in Application Configuration Property

Store IBM Cloud Object Storage Credentials JSON in an application configuration property called cos.creds. When the operator starts, it will look for that property and extract the information needed to connect.

The following steps outline how this can be done:

  1. Create an application configuration called cos.
  2. Create a property in the cos application configuration named cos.creds. The value of the property should be the raw IBM Cloud Object Storage Credentials JSON
  3. The operator will automatically look for an application configuration named cos and will extract the information needed to connect.