

  • PacketDPDKSource: PacketDPDKSource is an operator for the IBM Streams product that receives network packets from a supported ethernet adapter.
  • PacketFileSource: PacketFileSource is an operator for the IBM Streams product that reads prerecorded network packets from 'packet capture (PCAP)' files, parses the network headers, and emits tuples containing packet data.
  • PacketLiveSource: PacketLiveSource is an operator for the IBM Streams product that captures live network packets from an ethernet interface, parses their network headers, and emits tuples containing packet data.


  • CAPTURE_MICROSECONDS(): This function returns the number of microseconds since the value of the CAPTURE_SECONDS() function until the current packet was captured, according to the system clock on the machine that captured it.
  • CAPTURE_SECONDS(): This function returns the number of seconds since the beginning of the Unix epoch (midnight on January 1st, 1970 in Greenwich, England) until the current packet was captured, according to the system clock on the machine that captured it.
  • CAPTURE_TSC_MICROSECONDS(): This function returns the value of the machine's timestamp counter when the packet was captured, that is, the number of microseconds since the machine was booted.
  • DNS_RESPONSE_FLAG_HINT(): This function speculatively returns the DNS response flag.
  • ERSPAN_DST_ADDRESS(): This function returns the value of the GRE ERSPAN destination address in the current packet, if it has one, or zero if otherwise.
  • ERSPAN_SRC_ADDRESS(): This function returns the value of the GRE ERSPAN source address in the current packet, if it has one, or zero if otherwise.
  • ETHER_DST_ADDRESS(): This function returns the ethernet destination address of the current packet.
  • ETHER_DST_ADDRESS_64(): This function returns the ethernet destination address of the current packet in the 48 low-order bits of a uint64.
  • ETHER_PROTOCOL(): This function returns the ethernet protocol (that is, the EtherType) of the current packet, for example, '2048' for IP version 4, or '34,525' for IP version 6.
  • ETHER_SRC_ADDRESS(): This function returns the ethernet source address of the current packet.
  • IPV4_DST_ADDRESS(): This function returns the IP version 4 destination address of the current packet, if it has one, or zero otherwise.
  • IPV4_SRC_ADDRESS(): This function returns the IP version 4 source address of the current packet, if it has one, or zero otherwise.
  • IPV6_DST_ADDRESS(): This function returns the IP version 6 destination address of the current packet, if it has one, or an empty list otherwise.
  • IPV6_SRC_ADDRESS(): This function returns the IP version 6 source address of the current packet, if it has one, or an empty list otherwise.
  • IP_DONT_FRAGMENT(): This function returns the IP "don't fragment" flag of the current packet.
  • IP_DST_PORT(): This function returns the TCP or UDP destination port number of the current packet, if it has one, or zero otherwise.
  • IP_FRAGMENT_OFFSET(): This function returns the IP "fragment offset" field of the current packet, multiplied by eight, When a router fragments a packet, it stores the offset from the front of the packet to the front of the fragment, measured in eight-byte steps, in each fragment.
  • IP_IDENTIFIER(): This function returns the IP identifier of the current packet.
  • IP_MORE_FRAGMENTS(): This function returns the IP "more fragments" flag of the current packet.
  • IP_PROTOCOL(): This function returns the IP protocol of the current packet, for example, '6' for TCP, or '17' for UDP, or zero if the ethernet packet does not contain an IP packet.
  • IP_SRC_PORT(): This function returns the TCP or UDP source port number of the current packet, if it has one, or zero otherwise.
  • IP_VERSION(): This function returns the IP version of the current packet ('4' for IP version 4, or '6' for IP version 6), if the ethernet packet contains an IP packet, or zero otherwise.
  • JMIRROR_DST_ADDRESS(): This function returns the value of the 'jmirror' destination address in the current packet, if it has one, or zero if otherwise.
  • JMIRROR_DST_PORT(): This function returns the value of the 'jmirror' dstination port in the current packet, if it has one, or zero if otherwise.
  • JMIRROR_INTERCEPT_ID(): This function returns the value of the 'jmirror' intercept identifier in the current packet, if it has one, or zero if otherwise.
  • JMIRROR_SESSION_ID(): This function returns the value of the 'jmirror' session identifier in the current packet, if it has one, or zero if otherwise.
  • JMIRROR_SRC_ADDRESS(): This function returns the value of the 'jmirror' source address in the current packet, if it has one, or zero if otherwise.
  • JMIRROR_SRC_PORT(): This function returns the value of the 'jmirror' source port in the current packet, if it has one, or zero if otherwise.
  • PACKET_DATA(): This function returns the network data in the current packet, including all network headers.
  • PACKET_LENGTH(): This function returns the number of bytes of network data in the current packet, including all network headers.
  • PAYLOAD_DATA(): This function returns the payload data in the current packet, excluding all network headers.
  • PAYLOAD_LENGTH(): This function returns the number of bytes of payload data in the current packet, excluding all network headers.
  • RATE_LIMITED(): This function returns false when an amount of time between packets has passed such that the rate is limited to the value given in the rateLimit paramater.
  • TCP_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT(): This function returns the value of the TCP acknowledgement number in the current packet, if it has one, or zero if otherwise.
  • TCP_DST_PORT(): This function returns the TCP destination port number of the current packet, if it has one, or zero otherwise.
  • TCP_FLAGS_ACK(): This function returns true if the current packet has a TCP 'ack' flag and its set, or false otherwise.
  • TCP_FLAGS_FIN(): This function returns true if the current packet has a TCP 'fin' flag and its set, or false otherwise.
  • TCP_FLAGS_PUSH(): This function returns true if the current packet has a TCP 'push' flag and its set, or false otherwise.
  • TCP_FLAGS_RESET(): This function returns true if the current packet has a TCP 'reset' flag and its set, or false otherwise.
  • TCP_FLAGS_SYN(): This function returns true if the current packet has a TCP 'syn' flag and its set, or false otherwise.
  • TCP_FLAGS_URGENT(): This function returns true if the current packet has a TCP 'urgent' flag and its set, or false otherwise.
  • TCP_PORT(uint16): This function returns true if the current packet has a TCP source or destination port, or false if not.
  • TCP_SEQUENCE(): This function returns the value of the TCP sequence number in the current packet, if it has one, or zero if otherwise.
  • TCP_SRC_PORT(): This function returns the TCP source port number of the current packet, if it has one, or zero otherwise.
  • TCP_WINDOW(): This function returns the value of the TCP window size in the current packet, if it has one, or zero if otherwise.
  • UDP_DST_PORT(): This function returns the UDP destination port number of the current packet, if it has one, or zero otherwise.
  • UDP_PORT(uint16): This function returns true if the current packet is a UDP packet and the argument matches its source or destination port, or false otherwise.
  • UDP_SRC_PORT(): This function returns the UDP source port number of the current packet, if it has one, or zero otherwise.
  • VLAN_TAGS(): This function returns a list of 0 to N VLAN tags found in the current packet.
  • bytesProcessed(): This function returns the number of bytes of network data processed by the operator since it started, including the current packet, excluding any packets that were ignored by the input filter, if the inputFilter parameter was specified.
  • bytesReceived(): This function returns the number of bytes received from the network interface since the operator started, as of the most recent metrics interval, if there is one, or zero if not.
  • metricsIntervalBytesProcessed(): This function returns the number of bytes of network data processed by the operator during the most recent metrics interval, excluding any packets that were ignored by the input filter, if the inputFilter parameter was specified.
  • metricsIntervalBytesReceived(): This function returns the number of bytes received from the network interface during the most recent metrics interval, if there is one, or zero if not.
  • metricsIntervalElapsed(): This function returns the duration of the most recent metrics interval, in seconds with a resolution of at least microseconds, if there is one, or zero if not.
  • metricsIntervalMaxQueueDepthSW(): This function returns the software receive queue (if implemented) high water mark from the most recent metrics interval.
  • metricsIntervalPacketsDropped(): This function returns the number of packets dropped by the network interface during the most recent metrics interval, if there is one, or zero if not.
  • metricsIntervalPacketsDroppedSW(): This function returns the number of packets dropped by the software packet receive queue (if implemented) in the most recent metrics interval.
  • metricsIntervalPacketsProcessed(): This function returns the number of network packets processed by the operator during the most recent metrics interval, excluding any packets that were ignored by the input filter, if the inputFilter parameter was specified.
  • metricsIntervalPacketsReceived(): This function returns the number of packets received from the network interface during the most recent metrics interval, if there is one, or zero if not.
  • metricsUpdated(): This function returns true for the first tuple produced after a new metrics interval begins, and returns false for all subsequent tuples produced in the same metrics interval.
  • packetsDropped(): This function returns the number of packets dropped by the network interface since the operator started, as of the most recent metrics interval, if there is one, or zero if not.
  • packetsDroppedSW(): This function returns the total number of packets dropped by the software packet receive queue (if implemented).
  • packetsProcessed(): This function returns the number of network packets processed by the operator since it started, including the current packet, but excluding any packets that were ignored by the input filter, if the inputFilter parameter was specified.
  • packetsReceived(): This function returns the number of packets received from the network interface since the operator started, as of the most recent metrics interval, if there is one, or zero if not.