
This example uses the HDFS2DirectoryScan operator to scan the HDFS directory On IBM Cloud. The hdfsUser and hdfsPassword parameters are used to provide the username and password for authentication.

(stream<rstring filename> Files) as HDFS2DirectoryScan_1 = HDFS2DirectoryScan()
		directory :"/user/myuser/";
		hdfsUri   :"webhdfs://hdfsServer:8443";
		hdfsPassword: "password";
		hdfsUser: "biuser";
		sleepTime : 2.0;

This example uses the HDFS2DirectoryScan operator to scan a HDFS directory every two seconds. The hdfsUri parameter in this case overrides the value that is specified by the fs.defaultFS option in the core-site.xml.

(stream<rstring filename> Files) as HDFS2DirectoryScan_1 = HDFS2DirectoryScan()
		directory :"/user/myuser/";
		hdfsUri   :"hdfs://hdfsServer:1883";
		sleepTime : 2.0;