What is new in version 3.1.0

Kerberos Authentication

Kerberos authentication is a network protocol to provide strong authentication for client/server applications.

The streamsx.hbase toolkit support from version 3.1.0 kerberos authentication. All operators have now 2 additional parameters:

The authKeytab parameter specifies the kerberos keytab file that is created for the principal. The authPrincipal parameter specifies the Kerberos principal, which is typically the principal that is created for the HBase server.

If not done already, enable Kerberos authentication on your Hadoop cluster using the following links to find out "how to enable the kerberos authentication".




After enabling the Kerberos authentication copy the hbase server keytab and hbase configuration file "hbase-site.xml" from hadoop server into your IBM Streams server in a directory and use them in your SPL application.

Here is an example to connect to the HBase server with Kerberos Authentication:

   () as putsink = HBASEPut(toHBASE)
            authKeytab         : "etc/hbase.service.keytab";
            authPrincipal      : "hbase/myhdp26.ibm.com@HDP2.COM";
            hbaseSite          : "etc/hbase-site.xml";
            rowAttrName        : "key" ;
            tableName          : "streamsSample_books" ; 
            staticColumnFamily : "all" ;
            valueAttrName      : "bookData" ;