Starting the Lookup Manager and ITE applications

As an administrator, you need to start the Lookup Manager and ITE applications and check if they are running correctly.

Before you begin

Ensure that your system is prepared and ready to go as described in Preparing the Streams domain and instance.

For the following procedure we assume the following parameters and values have been specified:

  • global.applicationControlDirectory = <project-base>/control
  • lm.commandsDirectory = <project-base>/<lm-application-folder>/data/in/cmd
  • = <project-base>/<lm-application-folder>/data
  • lm.statisticsDirectory = <project-base>/<lm-application-folder>/data/out/statistics
  • = <project-base>/<ite-application-folder>/data/in
  • =
  • = <project-base>/<ite-application-folder>/data/out
  • = <project-base>/<ite-application-folder>/data/out/statistics

If you use other values, adopt the procedure to your settings.


  1. If you have a Lookup Manager application, start it.

    As every ITE application using a Lookup Manager depends on the availability of it, you should start and initialize the Lookup Manager application first.

    1. Put your initialization data files in the <project-base>/<lm-application-folder>/data/in directory.
    2. Submit the Lookup Manager application either via the Streams Studio or via the streamtool submitjob command. Use submission-time parameters to override compile-time parameters.
    3. Check if the job has been submitted successfully by checking the states of its Processing Elements (PEs). You can do so in the Streams Studio or from the command line using the streamtool lspes command. If all PEs are healthy, the Lookup Manager job has been submitted successfully.
    4. Check the state of Lookup Manager application by examining the contents of the <project-base>/control/appl.ctl state file. If you find the initial string the Lookup Manager is in the correct state.
    5. Using the Monitoring GUI sample application you can see the collected resource data of the Lookup Manager application.
  2. Start your ITE application(s).

    The following procedure shows the steps for one application. You will need to repeat these steps for all your ITE applications.

    1. Submit the ITE application either via the Streams Studio or via the streamtool submitjob command. Use submission-time parameters to override compile-time parameters.
    2. Check if the job has been submitted successfully by checking the states of its Processing Elements (PEs). You can do so in the Streams Studio or from the command line using the streamtool lspes command. If all PEs are healthy, the ITE application has been submitted successfully.
    3. Check the states of the Lookup Manager and the ITE application by examining the contents of the <project-base>/control/appl.ctl and <project-base>/control/<ite-namespace> state files. Both files should have the ‘stopped’ string if everything went correctly.
    4. If you have the Monitoring GUI sample application still open, it updates its view automatically and you can see the collected resource data of the Telecommunications Event Data Analytics applications.

    Optionally, you can delay the initialization of the ITE application. Please see Developing applications > Customizing applications > Triggering the initialization phase.

  3. If you have a Lookup Manager application, initialize it.

    Initialize the Lookup Manager with its lookup data that is provided to all specified hosts.

    1. Create a command file called init_all.cmd and add the init; text to it.
    2. Move the file into the <project-base>/<lm-application-folder>/data/in/cmd directory.
    3. The Lookup Manager application begins the initialization of the lookup repository.
    4. Upon finishing the initialization, the Lookup Manager application moves the command file to the <project-base>/<lm-application-folder>/data/in/cmd/archive directory. Check if the your command file appears in this directory to determine the end of the initialization.
    5. Check the state of Lookup Manager applicationby examining the contents of the <project-base>/control/appl.ctl status file. It shall now contain the run string.
    6. Check the <date>_LookupManagerStatistics.txt file residing in the <project base>/<lm application folder>/data/out/statistics directory. The first line stands for the internal initialization process. The second line contains the statistics for the processed command. Finally, the data provides a list of segments for verification

You can change the behavior of your applications by providing different parameter values on job submission. For example, if you want to restrict the list of ITE applications your Lookup Manager controls, you pass the list of active ITE applications as a comma separated list of namespace names to the lm.controlledApplications parameter. This list must be a subset of all the ITE applications contained in the LookupMgrCustomizing.xml file. To pass a new parameter value to the application you use the --P option of the streamtool submitjob command.

Triggering the initialization phase