Registering the server definitions for the HDFS data source

You must register HDFS data source server that you want to access in the federated database.


  1. 1. Locate the server name of your HDFS data source server.
  2. To create the server, issue the CREATE SERVER statement from the command line.
    For example:
    CREATE SERVER server_definition_name 
        TYPE hdfsparquet 	 
        VERSION version_number 
        WRAPPER wrapper_name 
        OPTIONS  (HOST 'host_name', PORT 'port_number', DBNAME 'database_name');
    The version of the HDFS database server that you want to access. .
    The wrapper name that you specified in the CREATE WRAPPER statement.
    The server name where the HDFS database server resides. User can specify the IP address as the hostname.
    The name node server listen port.
    The value of this option is not used, but it is also a mandatory option during create server.