Upgrading Db2 Big SQL on HDP via CLI

This information provides detailed steps on how to perform a Db2® Big SQL upgrade as part of or without a Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) upgrade.

About this task

This task provides an overview of the full process for you to upgrade Db2 Big SQL 4.2, 4.2.5, and 5.0.x to the most recent version. You must upgrade Db2 Big SQL to version 5.0.4 if you want full, functional support with the most recent version of the HDP.

Note: If you are upgrading Db2 Big SQL on HDP 2.4, you must first upgrade to HDP 2.5 before you can upgrade to HDP 2.6.2 or higher. For additional compatibility details, see System requirements for IBM Big SQL and IBM BigInsights.


  1. Make sure that all upgrade prerequisites are met.
  2. If you are performing a Db2 Big SQL upgrade on HDP along with an HDP upgrade, follow these steps:
    1. Back up metadata.
    2. Upgrade your version of Ambari.
    3. Clean up IBM value-added services from your environment.
      For value-add service cleanup details, see Cleaning up IBM value-added services for an upgrade.
    4. Upgrade your stack.
      For details, see Upgrading the stack.
    5. Upgrade and finalize your Db2 Big SQL installation.
      For upgrading and finalizing details, see Upgrading and finalizing Db2 Big SQL.
    6. Upgrade DSM. See Upgrading IBM Data Server Manager (DSM) for details.
  3. If you are performing a Db2 Big SQL upgrade on HDP without performing an HDP upgrade, follow these steps:
    1. Back up metadata.
      • For details on how to back up IBM Db2 Big SQL and Data Server Manager (DSM), see Backing up value add metadata for an upgrade.
        Note: In step 1b of the topic, do not choose the migration option during the installation process. Instead, type n to the question Are you migrating from IOP to HDP (y/n)?
    2. Clean up the DSM service from your environment.
    3. Upgrade and finalize your Db2 Big SQL installation.
      For upgrading and finalizing details, see Upgrading and finalizing Db2 Big SQL.
    4. Upgrade DSM. See Upgrading IBM Data Server Manager (DSM) for details.
    5. Upgrade the Db2 Big SQL Ranger plugin if your cluster has this plugin enabled. For details see Upgrading the Db2 Big SQL Ranger plugin.
  4. If you have federation configured in your environment that uses an ODBC library, then you must do the following after the upgrade:
    1. Log into the cluster as the bigsql user.
    2. Type the following commands:
      db2 connect to bigsql
      db2 "ALTER WRAPPER ODBC OPTIONS ( SET MODULE "<odbc library path>")

      where odbc library path points to the latest ODBC library.

      For example,

      db2 "ALTER WRAPPER ODBC OPTIONS ( SET MODULE "/usr/ibmpacks/current/bigsql/db2/federation/odbc/lib/libodbc.so")