Tivoli Directory Integrator, Version 7.1.1

IBM Directory Server Changelog Connector

The IBM® Tivoli® Directory Server (TDS) Changelog Connector is a specialized instance of the LDAP Connector. The IBM Directory Server Changelog Connector contains logic to iterate the Changelog. It returns various attributes, including the changes attribute. This attribute is of type java.lang.String and contains an incremental LDIF that you can read using the Parser FC and the LDIF Parser. This technique will also retrieve any changes made to the "objectClass" of the changed entry as well (since the objectClass Attribute returned by the Connector is that of the changelog entry itself).

The Connector can be used in batch-oriented runs where it starts at a specific change number and stops after the last Changelog entry. It can also be run in continuous mode where you specify the timer values for periodically checking for the next Changelog entry.

The Connector reads Changelog entries and automatically increases the Changelog counter by one for each iteration. When the Connector tries to read a non-existing Changelog entry, the Connector goes to sleep for a period of time (Sleep Interval). If the total time the Connector is waiting for a new entry exceeds the Timeout value, then the Connector returns to the caller with a null value (end of iteration).

This connector also exposes a "Use Notifications" option which specifies whether the Connector will use a polling or a notification mechanism to retrieve new IDS changes. If set to false the Connector will poll for new changes. If this parameter is set to true then after processing all existing changes the Connector will block and wait for an unsolicited event notification from the IBM Directory Server. The Connector will not sleep and timeout when the notification mechanism is used.

This connector also supports Delta Tagging, at the Entry level, the Attribute level and the Attribute Value level. It is the LDIF Parser that provides Delta support at the Attribute and Attribute Value levels.

The Connector will detect modrdn operations in the Server's changelog, see Detect and handle modrdn operation for more information.

This component is not available in the Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1 General Purpose Edition.

Attribute merge behavior

In older versions of Tivoli Directory Integrator, in the IBM Directory Server Changelog Connector merging occurs between Attributes of the changelog Entry and changed Attributes of the actual Directory Entry. This creates issues because you cannot detect the attributes that have changed. The Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1 version of the Connector has logic to address these situations, configured by a parameter: Merge Mode. The modes are:

Delta tagging is supported in all merge modes and entries can be transferred between different LDAP servers without much scripting.

Differences between changelog on distributed TDS and z/OS TDS

There are some differences in the way the changes to password policy operational attributes are logged to cn=changelog in IBM Tivoli Directory Server on z/OS® and in Distributed IBM Tivoli Directory Server (which runs on other platforms). The currently known differences in behavior are listed below:

  1. Modify of userpassword

    A modify operation to change the userpassword will remove attributes such as pwdfailuretime, pwdreset, pwdaccountlockedtime, pwdgraceusetime and pwdexpirationswarned from an entry in the directory. It will also update the pwdchangedtime.

    Distributed TDS records these updates in the LDIF along with the replace of the userpassword value in the changelog entry.

    z/OS TDS only records the replace of the userpassword in the LDIF, omitting the generated deletion of the operational attributes.

    A password change can also conditionally update the pwdhistory attribute of an entry. We know that this change is not logged in z/OS TDS. Although we have no test data to show that it is indeed logged in Distributed TDS, we suspect it is.

  2. Password value in the changelog LDIF

    z/OS TDS suppresses the actual value (for security reasons) and instead displays the value as "userpassword: *ComeAndGetIt*".

    Distributed TDS shows the userpassword value as is. Note that we only have test output where password encryption is not being used, and thus the actual password is displayed "in the clear". If password encryption is active, probably the tagged, encrypted value is shown.

  3. Add of a user entry

    An add operation of a user entry containing a password will conditionally add the pwdreset attribute with a value of true if the effective policy for the user indicates this to be the case for new entries.

    Distributed TDS includes "PWDRESET: true" in the changelog entries LDIF for the add, but z/OS TDS does not.

  4. Authentication via a grace login

    When a password is expired, but "grace" logins are allowed, authentication (via either a bind or compare operation) succeeds and an additional value of the attribute pwdgraceusetime is added to the user entry. Distributed TDS records this as a single value added to the entry. z/OS TDS records this as a replace of the entire set of values for the pwdgraceusetime attribute, listing all the old values and the one new one.


The Connector needs the following parameters:

The LDAP URL for the connection (ldap://host:port).
Login username
The LDAP distinguished name used for authentication to the server. Leave blank for anonymous access.
Login password
The credentials (password).
Authentication Method
Type of LDAP authentication. Can be one of the following:
If Use SSL is true (that is, checked), the Connector uses SSL to connect to the LDAP server. Note that the port number might need to be changed accordingly.
ChangeLog Base
The search base where the Changelog is kept. The standard DN for this is cn=changelog.
Extra Provider Parameters
Allows you to pass a number of extra parameters to the JNDI layer. It is specified as name:value pairs, one pair per line.
Iterator State Key
Specifies the name of the parameter that stores the current changelog number in the User Property Store of the IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator, to allow processing to stop and begin again at the last processed change. This must be a unique name for all parameters stored in one instance of the IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator User Property Store. If this value is left blank, the connector will start processing at the beginning of the changes with each AssemblyLine restart. The Delete button deletes this information from the User Property Store.
Start at
Specifies the starting change number (default value:1) Each Changelog entry is named changenumber=intvalue and the Connector starts at the number specified by this parameter and automatically increases by one. The special value EOD means start at the end of the Changelog. This parameter is only used when the Iterator State is blank or not saved.

The Query button retrieves the first and last change numbers from the Server.

State Key Persistence
Governs the method used for saving the Connector's state to the System Store. The default (and recommended setting) is End of Cycle, and choices are:
After read
Updates the System Store when you read an entry from the directory server's change log, before you continue with the rest of the AssemblyLine.
End of cycle
Updates the System Store with the change log number when all Connectors and other components in the AssemblyLine have been evaluated and executed.
Switches off the automatic updating of the System Store with this Connector's state information; instead, you will need to save the state by manually calling the IBM Directory Server Changelog Connector's saveStateKey() method, somewhere in your AssemblyLine.
Merge Mode
Governs the method used for merging attributes of the Changelog Entry and changed attributes of the actual Directory Entry. The default is Return only changed data, and choices are:
Merge changelog and changed data
The Connector merges the attributes of the Changelog Entry with changed attributes of the actual Directory Entry. This option selects the behavior of older versions of Tivoli Directory Integrator and maintains compatibility with earlier versions.
Return only changed data
Returns only the modified or added attributes.
Return both
Returns changed attributes of the actual Directory Entry, plus an additional attribute called "changelog" that contains an Entry with changelog attributes.
Use Notifications
Specifies whether to use notification when waiting for new changes in IBM Directory Server. If enabled, the Connector will not sleep or timeout (and the corresponding parameters are ignored), but instead wait for a Notification event from the IBM Directory Server.
Batch retrieval
Specifies how searches are performed in IDS changelog. When unchecked, the Connector will perform incremental lookups (backward compatible mode). When checked, and the server supports "Sort Control", searches will be preformed with query 'changenumber>=some_value', corresponding to the last retrieval you made; this works in conjunction with the next parameter, Page Size. By default, this option is unchecked.
Page Size
Specifies the size of the pages IDS will return entries on (default value is 500). It is used only when Batch retrieval is set to true, that is, checked.
Specifies the number of seconds the Connector waits for the next Changelog entry. The default is 0, which means wait forever.
Sleep Interval
Specifies the number of seconds the Connector sleeps between each poll. The default is 60.
Detailed Log
If this field is checked, additional log messages are generated.
Changing Timeout or Sleep Interval values will automatically adjust its peer to a valid value after being changed (for example, when timeout is greater than sleep interval the value that was not edited is adjusted to be in line with the other). Adjustment is done when the field editor looses focus.

See also

Enabling change log on IBM Tivoli Directory Server,
LDAP Connector,
Active Directory Change Detection Connector,
Sun Directory Change Detection Connector,
z/OS LDAP Changelog Connector.
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IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1