Tivoli Directory Integrator, Version 7.1.1

IT Registry database setup

As mentioned before, the CDM Components (both the IdML and IT Registry suites) rely on two different sources for the CDM meta-data - a local JAR file and a remote IT Registry system. For advanced users Tivoli® Directory Integrator provides a third alternative, namely setting up a local IT Registry database. Its main purpose is to provide you with a local copy of IT Registry's CDM meta-data definitions, so that a connection to the remote IT Registry system is not needed constantly. However, after its initial setup the local IT Registry is fully operational and can also be used for registering Configuration Items and Relationships. For more information about IT Registry 1.1 and its usage, see Overview.

All the files needed for the setup are shipped along with Tivoli Directory Integrator, on the installation DVDs and eAssemblies. The only prerequisites that you need to keep in mind are:

Operating system
The setup scripts for creating the IT Registry database are supported on the platforms supported by Maximo® (see the list below).
Since i5/OS® and z/OS® platforms are not supported, the IT Registry setup scripts are not included on their media. If you need a local IT Registry database, it must use one of the following operating systems:
The IT Registry version 1.1 will support the databases supported by Maximo; setup scripts are only provided for those databases. Their names and version are listed below:
Steps to set up a local IT Registry database (assuming a suitable database is already installed):
  1. Open the Tivoli Directory Integrator install DVD and copy the it_registry_dbscript.zip archive. It contains everything needed to set up the IT Registry database.
  2. Extract the archive to a suitable location, for example C:\temp and view its contents.
  3. There you should find three archives - disDb2Setup.zip, disMssqlSetup.zip and disOracleSetup.zip, corresponding to the supported database types.
  4. Extract the archive of the database you are planning to use, for example disDb2Setup.zip. It contains two setup scripts - disDb2Setup.bat (for Windows systems) and disDb2Setup.sh (for UNIX/Linux systems) and a folder named /sql that holds the SQL statement files containing the schema of the database and its CDM meta-data definitions (for example, disDb2Views.sql, disDb2Schema.sql).
  5. Run the disSetupDb2.bat(.sh) from the DB2 command window (db2cmd.exe, found in the BIN directory in the install folder of DB2®). You will need to provide the name of the database (if it does not exist, it will be created), username and password. The command should look like:
    disSetupDb2.bat -d db_name -u username -p password

If a problem occurs during the population of the IT Registry database, you may check the log files created in the logs/ subfolder of the script's directory.

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IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1