Tivoli Directory Integrator, Version 7.1.1

Axis EasyInvoke Soap WS Function Component

The Axis EasyInvokeSoapWS Function Component (FC) is part of the Tivoli® Directory Integrator Web Services suite.

Due to limitations of the Axis library used by this component only WSDL (http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl) version 1.1 documents are supported. Furthermore, the supported message exchange protocol is SOAP 1.1.

This is a "simplified" web service invocation component: it is a stand-alone FC with its own Config screen, but internally performs the same functions as the following three FCs: AxisJavaToSoap, InvokeSoapWS and AxisSoapToJava.

The functionality provided is the same as if you chain and configure these three FCs in an AssemblyLine. When using this FC you lose the possibility to hook custom processing, that is, you are tied to the processing and binding provided by Axis, but you gain simplicity of setup and use.

Note that some scenarios cannot be handled by this Function Component, and you should use the aforementioned combination of AxisJavaToSoap, InvokeSoapWS and AxisSoapToJava instead. Such scenarios are:



The URL of the WSDL document describing the service. This parameter is required; otherwise an exception is thrown on initialization.
SOAP Operation
The name of the SOAP operation as described in the WSDL file. This parameter is required; otherwise an exception is thrown on initialization.
Login username
The login username sent to the server, using HTTP Basic authentication. If the server requires authorization it uses this value and the next (Login password) to authenticate the client. The encoding used is Base64 and is done internally by the InvokeSoapWS FC.
Login password
The login password sent to the server. If the server requires authorization it uses this value and the previous (Login username) to authenticate the client.
Complex Types
This parameter is optional; if specified, it should be a list of fully qualified Java class names (including the package name), where the different elements (Java classes) of this list are separated by one or more of the following symbols: a comma, a semicolon, a space, a carriage return or a new line.
Operation Parameters
The list of ordered SOAP operation parameter names. This parameter is required if the SOAP operation has any parameters and the FC is passed an Entry; if the SOAP operation has no parameters and the FC is passed an Entry then this parameter must be empty. If no Entry is passed, the content of the parameter is not relevant.
The time for retrieving the data (in seconds, with the possibility to specify a decimal fraction in milliseconds. If smaller than 0.001 or explicitly set to 0 then will wait forever). Default value is 60.
Detailed Log
Checking this box causes additional log messages to be generated.
Your own comments go here.

Security and Authentication

The AxisEasyInvokeSoapWS FC uses HTTP basic authentication. When the username and password parameters of the FC are provided, then this information is sent to the server; if it requires authentication it takes these two parameters for username and password.

Function Component Input

Entry or a Java object representing the web service input data. If anything else is passed, an Exception is thrown.

Function Component Output

Entry or a Java object representing the web service output data.

Using the FC

This Function Component (FC) provides a relatively simple way of invoking SOAP over HTTP web services.

This is how the communication flows:

Web service client  <-> AxisEasyInvokeSoapWS  FC <-> org.apache.axis.client.Call  <-> Web service

The following usability notes apply:

See also

InvokeSoap WS Function Component

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(C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 2003, 2012. All Rights Reserved.
IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1