Creating an IMS environment

You create an IMS environment to keep conversion projects and definitions for different IMS systems in one place. Help is available for each panel.

About this task

An IMS environment consists of library definitions such as RESLIB, DBDLIB, MDALIB and, perhaps, RECON. Projects are connected to an environment.

Environments typically have names such as TEST or PROD. There is no limit to the number of environments you can create. An environment must be completely defined before it can be used by a project.

Databases can belong to multiple IMS systems. However, only one RECON should represent a database.

Parameters and data sets are uniquely defined for each IMS environment, and most parameters can have an ask-me-later setting. This setting allows you to delay a decision until it is needed and applicable.


  1. Start the ISPF user interface.

    The IMS HALDB Toolkit main menu is displayed.

    Figure 1. Main menu panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>                                                                  
         _  Select Function                    Current Settings                   
                                               Version: IMS 14  Tool 1100         
         0  Setup Utilities                                                       
         1  Add-Delete-Change Environment                                         
         2  Select an Environment                                                 
         3  Projects in Progress                                                  
         4  Convert from Full Function to HALDB                                   
         5  Convert entire DBD library to HALDB                                   
         6  Split or Consolidate HALDB Partitions                                 
         7  Database Utilities                                                    
         8  Other Utilities                                                       
         9  DBRC for HALDB  

  2. Select option 1 from the Main Menu and press Enter.

    The Environment Maintenance panel is displayed.

    Figure 2. Environment Maintenance panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>
                          Environment Maintenance
                         Select Function
                          1  Display Environment(s)
                          2  Add a new Environment
                          3  Delete Environment(s)
                          4  Change Environment Settings

  3. To add a new environment, select option 2 from the Environment Maintenance panel and press Enter.

    The Define a New Environment panel is displayed:

    Figure 3. Define a New Environment panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>
                          Define a new Environment
    Environment Name: PROD
    Description:      Production IMS

  4. Enter an environment name and a description that provides useful information. Press Enter.

    The Project Definition Settings panel is displayed.

    You can now define project-related definitions that are specific to the environment.

    Figure 4. Project Definition Settings panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>
                         Project Definition Settings
    Project Method:            2   1  Partitioning evaluation separate
                                   2  Partitioning evaluation during UNLOAD
    JCL Generation:             1  1  Single JOBs for each phase
                                   2  One multi-step JOB (after evaluation)
    Delete old Database:        1  1  No
                                   2  Yes, before allocation of new
                                   3  Yes, after reload
                                   4  Yes, at the end of the project

  5. On this panel make the following specifications:
    • Whether to perform partitioning evaluation separately or during the unload process
    • How you would prefer JCL to be generated (as a single JOB for each phase or as one multi-step JOB)
    • Whether you would like the data sets of the database that is being converted, to be deleted. If the data sets are to be deleted, specify at which stage the deletion occurs.

    When you have finished specifying all of the panel information, press Enter.

    The Data sets panel is displayed.

    Figure 5. Data sets panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>                                                                  
     RESLIB   :   your.SDFSRESL                           
     MACLIB   :   your.SDFSMAC                                         
     LOADLIB  :   your.SIHCLOAD                                        
     DFSVSAMP :   your.JCL                                             
                  Member name: VSAMP                                              
     MDALIB  1:   your.MDALIB                                     
     RECON MDA located in:  4    1 RESLIB                                         
                                 2 MDALIB 1                                       
                                 3 MDALIB 2                                       
                                 4 Specify RECON datasets                         

  6. From the Data Sets panel, specify the data sets to use when generating the JCL.
    When the IMS management of ACBs is enabled, the following libraries must be specified in the RESLIB:
    • The SGLXLOAD library of IBM® IMS Tools Base for z/OS® 1.7 or later
    • The IMS Catalog Definition exit routine (DFS3CDX0)
    Figure 6. Data sets panel when the IMS management of ACBs is enabled
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>                                                                  
     RESLIB   :   your.SDFSRESL                           
              :   your.SGLXLOAD                                          
              :   your.pgmlib                                     
     MACLIB   :   your.SDFSMAC                                         
     LOADLIB  :   your.SIHCLOAD                                        
     DFSVSAMP :   your.JCL                                             
                  Member name: VSAMP                                              
     MDALIB  1:   your.MDALIB                                     
     RECON MDA located in:  4    1 RESLIB                                         
                                 2 MDALIB 1                                       
                                 3 MDALIB 2                                       
                                 4 Specify RECON datasets                         

    If the RECONs are not located in either the RESLIB or MDALIB data sets, you can specify them explicitly with option 4. Otherwise, the Specify RECON Data set names panel is skipped.

  7. If you selected option 4 to specify RECON data sets, the Specify RECON Data Set Names panel is displayed.
    Figure 7. Specify RECON Data Set Names panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>
                                Specify RECON Data set names:
                                RECON1 your.RECON1
                                RECON2 your.RECON2
                                RECON3 your.RECON3

  8. Specify the RECON data set names to use and press Enter.

    The DBD Libraries panel is displayed.

    Figure 8. DBD Libraries panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>                                                                  
                       DBD Libraries                                              
     DBDLIB  1:   your.DBDLIB                                                     

  9. Specify the DBD load libraries to use and press Enter.
    When the IMS management of ACBs is enabled, do not specify the DBD load libraries to use and press Enter.
    Figure 9. DBD Libraries panel when the IMS management of ACBs is enabled
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>                                                                  
                       DBD Libraries                                              
     DBDLIB  1:                                                                   

    The DBD Conversion Rules panel is displayed.

    Figure 10. DBD Conversion Rules panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>
                             DBD Conversion Rules
      Multi DSG:             2     1  To single DSG
                                   2  Leave as-is
                                   3  Ask during Conversion
      Convert VSAM to OSAM:  2     1  Yes
                                   2  No
                                   3  Ask during Conversion
      Change DBD name:       2     1  Yes
                                   2  No
      Selection Exit:        2     1  Yes
                                   2  No
                                   3  Ask during Conversion
    Heal Index Pointer       1     1  Yes
                                   2  No
                                   3  Ask during Conversion

  10. Specify the conversion rules to use, and press Enter.

    The Save Source Statements panel is displayed.

    Press the HELP key for explanation of items on the panel.

    Figure 11. Save Source Statements panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>
                             Save Source Statements
      DBD Source:            1     1  No
                                   2  Yes
          Source File:             
      IDCAMS Source:         1     1  No
                                   2  Yes
                                   3  Yes, but no DELETE file
          Member Name:       3     1  DBD Name
                                   2  Partition Name
                                   3  DD Name
          Del File:                
          Def File:                

  11. Specify where you would like to save the generated DBD source and the IDCAMS source statements, and press Enter.

    The Primary DBD Partitioning Rules panel is displayed.

    Figure 12. Primary DBD Partitioning Rules panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>                                                                  
                         Primary DBD Partitioning Rules                           
      Partitions:        2     1  Fixed Number of Partitions     1                
                               2  Fixed Partition Size (MB)      2048             
                               3  Ask during Conversion                           
                               4  Specify High Keys                               
      PDB Conversion:    2     1  Use existing Keys or Partitions                 
                               2  Create new Partition boundaries                 
                               3  Ask during Conversion                           
      Additional Partitioning Layouts to be created?                              
                         2     1  Yes                                             
                               2  No, use the one created during Collect          
      Combine Database records:                                                   
                         5000   (number of database records)             

  12. Specify conversion rules for the primary DBD, and press Enter.

    The PSINDEX Definition Rules panel is displayed.

    Figure 13. PSINDEX Definition Rules panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>
                                   PSINDEX Definition Rules
                            2      1  Fixed Number of Partitions
                                            Partition Number     1
                                   2  Fixed Partition Size
                                            Size  (MB)           1024
                                   *  Ask during Conversion
                                   4  Same high keys as the primary DBD
                                            (Index is the ROOT key)
                                            (Primary DBD must specify keys)
                                            (Defaults to "2" if index 
                                             not the root key)

  13. Specify the conversion rules for secondary index DBDs, and press Enter.

    The Partition Naming Rules panel is displayed.

    Figure 14. Partition Naming Rules panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
     Command ===>                                                                 
                             Partition Naming Rules                               
      Partition Name:  1     1  DBD name (up to 6) appended by                    
                                 1   1  0-9,A-Z                                   
                                     2  A-Z                                       
                                     3  1-9,A-Z                                   
                                     4  01-99                                     
                                     5  AA-99       (..,AZ,A0,..,A9,BA,..)        
                                     6  001-999                                   
                             3  Ask for partition name during Conversion          
                             4  Ask for constant (6 char) during Conversion       
                             5  DBD pattern  ******.. Prim                        
                                             ******.. Index                       
                                (Example:  ..***.**)   and append rule            
      Partition DSN:   1     1  High-level qualifier and DBD name                 
                             2  High-level qualifier and Partition name           
                                Specify High-level qualifier:                     
                             3  Ask during Conversion 

  14. Specify the naming rules for partition names and partition data set names, and press Enter.

    The Space Allocation Rules for PHDAM and PHIDAM panel is displayed.

    Figure 15. Space Allocation Rules for PHDAM and PHIDAM panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>
                              Space Allocation Rules
                              for PHDAM and PHIDAM
     HDAM RAA Size:           1     1  Clone from DBD
                                    2  (1) and increase 10 percent
                                    3  Ask during Conversion
     Overflow Size:           1     1  Clone from original data set
                                    2  (1) and increase 10 percent
                                    3  Ask during Conversion
     Byte limit:              1     1  Same as old DBD
                                    2  None
                                    3  Ask during Conversion
     SMS Allocation:          2     1  Yes DATACLAS:______ STORCLAS:_____
                                    2  No, ask for Volume serial
                                    3  Yes,SMS via Data set Name
                                    4  Yes, clone from original data set

  15. Specify space allocation rules for both PHDAM and PHIDAM, and press Enter.

    The Space Allocation Rules for PSINDEX Data Sets panel is displayed.

    Figure 16. Space Allocation Rules for PSINDEX Data Sets panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>
                              Space Allocation Rules
                              for PSINDEX Data Sets
     Free Space per CI:       1     1  Copy from old Index
                                    2  Set to 10 percent
                                    3  Ask during Conversion
     Free Space per CA:       1     1  Copy from old Index
                                    2  Set to 10 percent
                                    3  Ask during Conversion
     Data set Allocation:      2    1  Fit to current need
                                    2  Add 10 percent
                                    3  Ask during Conversion
     SMS Allocation:          3     1  Yes DATACLAS:_____ STORCLAS:_____
                                    2  No, ask for Volume serial
                                    3  Yes, no SMS parameter
                                    4  Yes, copy from original data set
     CI Size:                 4  (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12) in Kbytes

  16. Specify space allocation rules for HALDB secondary indexes, and press Enter.

    The Space Allocation Rules for ILDS Data Sets panel is displayed.

    Figure 17. Space Allocation Rules for ILDS Data Sets panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>                                                                  
                             Space Allocation Rules                               
                             for ILDS datasets                                    
      Free Space per CI:     1     1  Do not specify                              
                                   2  Set to  10 percent                          
                                   3  Ask during Conversion                       
      Free Space per CA:     1     1  Do not specify                              
                                   2  Set to  10 percent                          
                                   3  Ask during Conversion                       
      Dataset Allocation:    2     1  Round to full Cylinder                      
                                   2  Add  10 percent                             
                                   3  Ask during Conversion                       
      SMS Allocation:        3     1  Yes  DATACLAS: ____      STORCLAS:_____     
                                   2  No, ask for Volume serial                   
                                   3  Yes, no SMS parameter                       
      CI Size:               8    (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12) in Kbytes                   

  17. Specify space allocation rules for HALDB ILDS data sets, and press Enter.

    The JCL Defaults panel is displayed.

    Figure 18. JCL Defaults panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>                                                                  
                                      JCL Defaults                                
      JOB statement:                                                              
      //JOBNAME  JOB  0,USR,MSGCLASS=X                                            
                            Allocation Rules for UNLOAD file                      
           Set the maximum database size to use disk allocation                   
                  Database Size Limit(MB):        200                             
                  Unit name for tape allocation:  TAPE                            
                       RETPD.......:  030                                         
                       Volume count:  99                                          
                  Unit name for disk allocation:  SYSDA                           
                  Use REGION=0M?   (Y|N)          N                

  18. Specify the JOBCARD JCL defaults and the allocations rules to use during the unload process and press Enter.

    The Utility Setup for UNLOAD panel is displayed.

    Figure 19. Utility Setup for UNLOAD panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>
                                 Utility Setup for UNLOAD
                                 1  Select Unload type
                                    1 Standard IMS (DFSURGU0)
                                    2 High Performance Unload
                                 1  Select Data set Name Rule for Unload File
                                    1 High Level Qualifier.dbd.timestamp
                                    2 High Level Qualifier.dbd.GDG
                                      Specify High Level Qaulifier:
                                    3 Prompt for Data set Name
                                  Specify HP Unload program library:

  19. Specify the specific rules to use for the UNLOAD utility and press Enter.

    The Utility Setup for RELOAD panel is displayed.

    Figure 20. Utility Setup for RELOAD panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>
                                 Utility Setup for RELOAD
                                 1  Select Reload type
                                    1 Standard IMS (DFSURGU0)
                                    2 High Performance Reload
                                 Specify STEPLIB for High Performance Reload:

  20. Specify the specific rules to use for the RELOAD utility and press Enter.

    The Utility Setup for BACKUP panel is displayed.

    Figure 21. Utility Setup for BACKUP panel
    ------------------------------ IMS HALDB Toolkit -----------------------------
    Command ===>
                            Utility Setup for BACKUP
                            1  Select Backup type
                               1 Standard IMS (DFSUDMP0)
                               2 HP Image Copy (FABJMAIN)
                               1  Select No. of copies (1 or 2)
                               1  Select Data set Name Rule
                                  1 High Level Qualifier.dbd.ddname.IC.timestamp
                                  2 High Level Qualifier.ddname.IC.timestamp
                                  3 High Level Qualifier.dbd.ddname.IC.GDG
                                  4 High Level Qualifier.ddname.IC.GDG
                                    Specify High Level qualifier:
                                  5 Use the one created by GENJCL.IC
                         Specify Data set Name for Product Library:

  21. Specify the specific rules to use for the image copy utility and press Enter.


After you have completed all panels, a dialog box displays indicating that the environment was successfully created.

If the environment was successfully created, press Enter and the first panel for creating a project will be displayed.

You can create the project now or later.