Podman support

Podman is a Linux tool for working with containers. IBM Db2 Warehouse now supports Podman in version

Before you begin

Red Hat Enterprise LINUX version 7.9 or higher is needed.

About this task

For additional information on Podman, including installation, configuration, and documentation, please see Podman.

Throughout the documentation, you will see Podman commands which correspond to particular topics where Docker commands were available.

Setting up the Docker/Podman Alias.
One of Podman’s greatest advantages is its complete CLI compatibility with Docker. In fact, when building Podman, Docker users can adapt without any significant changes. For example, you can use the alias command to create a docker alias for Podman:
yum install podman-docker
Note: The only difference observed in is docker logs --tail=all Db2wh cmd on docker whereas on podman it is podman logs --tail=0 Db2wh
Note: The rename command is not currently supported with Podman and Db2 warehouse.

For more information on Podman, please visit the following developer blog.