Customizing the Outline view

The Outline view shows a symbol tree of the currently active editor. IBM Z® Open Editor maps each symbol to a language element of COBOL, PL/I, HLASM, and REXX.

However, you might not want every symbol to display in the Outline view. To control which ones appear, you can modify the User or Workspace settings. At this time, the REXX Outline view displays the internal routine symbol only.

Enabling or disabling Outline view symbols

  1. Navigate to your User and Workspace settings using the following VS Code menu command:

    • Windows/Linux®: File > Preferences > Settings

    • MacOS: Code > Preferences > Settings

    Note: VS Code provides different scopes for defining these settings. For more information, see User preferences versus workspace preferences.

  2. Type Outline in the search box to filter the settings.

  3. Enable or disable the Outline view settings based on your needs. Refer to the Outline view symbol mapping reference to understand which settings affect which symbols.

If you would rather modify the Outline view settings in their raw JSON form, run one of the following commands using the Command Palette. Note that it is not recommended to change the Default settings. | Command Palette (⇧⌘P) (Ctrl+Shift+P) | Settings | |---------------------------------------|------------| |> Open Settings (JSON) |User | |> Open Default Settings (JSON) |Default | |> Open Workspace Settings (JSON) |Workspace |

Outline view symbol mapping reference

Note that some symbols are used more than once. This is expected behavior.

This table highlights the relationship between Outline view settings in JSON form and UI form. | JSON | Settings Editor | |:------------------------------:|:----------------------------------------------------------:| |"outline.showBooleans":true |outline-view-setting |


Symbol COBOL Language Element Visual Studio Code Setting
symbol-boolean PROCEDURE_DIVISION "outline.showBooleans":true
symbol-class DIRECTIVE "outline.showClasses":true
symbol-constant PROG_ID "outline.showConstants":true
symbol-constructor DATA_DIVISION "outline.showConstructors":true
symbol-enum-member MAINLINE_SECTION "outline.showEnumMembers":true
symbol-enum LINKAGE_SECTION "outline.showEnums":true
symbol-event WORKING_STORAGE_SECTION "outline.showEvents":true
symbol-field PROCESS "outline.showFields":true
symbol-file ROOT "outline.showFiles":true
symbol-function PARAGRAPH "outline.showFunctions":true
symbol-interface ENVIRONMENT_DIVISION "outline.showInterfaces":true
symbol-key DECLARATIVES "outline.showKeys":true
symbol-method ANY_OTHER_SECTION "outline.showMethods":true
symbol-module CONFIGURATION_SECTION "outline.showModules":true
symbol-namespace COPY "outline.showNamespaces":true
symbol-number ANY_OTHER_DIVISION "outline.showNumbers":true
symbol-object LOCAL_STORAGE_SECTION "outline.showObjects":true
symbol-operator END "outline.showOperators":true
symbol-package PROGRAM "outline.showPackages":true
symbol-property IDENTIFICATION_DIVISION, ID_DIVISION "outline.showProperties":true
symbol-string LEVEL_1_HAS_SUBFIELDS, LEVEL_INDICATOR "outline.showStrings":true
symbol-struct FILE_SECTION "outline.showStructs":true
symbol-type-parameter INPUT_OUTPUT_SECTION "outline.showTypeParameters":true
symbol-variable LEVEL_1_HAS_NO_SUBFIELDS, LEVEL_3, LEVEL_X "outline.showVariables":true


Symbol PL/I Language Element Visual Studio Code Setting
symbol-class PROCEDURE "outline.showClasses":true
symbol-event EVENT "outline.showEvents":true
symbol-field DATAITEM_HAS_SUBFIELDS "outline.showFields":true
symbol-file ROOT "outline.showFiles":true
symbol-function PACKAGE "outline.showFunctions":true
symbol-interface LABEL "outline.showInterfaces":true
symbol-method REVERT "outline.showMethods":true
symbol-namespace INCLUDE "outline.showNamespaces":true
symbol-operator END "outline.showOperators":true
symbol-package BEGIN "outline.showPackages":true
symbol-variable DATAITEM_HAS_NO_SUBFIELDS "outline.showVariables":true


Symbol HLASM Language Element Visual Studio Code Setting
symbol-class BRANCH_LABELS "outline.showClasses":true
symbol-function CSECT "outline.showFunctions":true
symbol-object MACRO "outline.showObjects":true
symbol-struct DSECT "outline.showStructs":true
symbol-struct LABEL "outline.showVariables":true


Symbol REXX Language Element Visual Studio Code Setting
symbol-object INTERNAL ROUTINE "outline.showObjects":true