Use the XMLFILE option to specify a valid file name for basename, where basename is the name used to create the file that contains XML data (or several files if you specify the XDS ON option).

For example, if XMLFILE is set to xmldata, then the files containing the XML will be xmldata.e00001, xmldata.e00002, and so forth. The suffix range is e00001 to e99999. The keywords %{listValFile} and%{seq} are supported.

Also consider the following rules:

  • If you want to store the XML files in a directory other than the current directory, you must also specify the XML IN clause.
  • Use commas as separators when you specify more than one filename for basename. If you specify multiple filenames and directories (XML IN), the first filename in the list will be used in the first directory. When this first filename has cycled through the complete suffix range, the second filename in the list will be used in the same path. When the list of filenames is exhausted, the process starts over, with the first filename being used in the second directory path identified in XML IN.
  • During subsequent runs of unload using the same value of XMLFILE (and XML IN), the existing files will be replaced.
  • When XMLs from multiple database partitions are stored in the same directory, an additional suffix is added to identify the database partition number. For example, the first XML file from database partition 2 would have the file name of XMLdata.e00001.002, where 002 identifies database partition 2.
  • The XMLFILE clause cannot be specified for the unload of a given table having XML columns, if the XMLSERIALIZE() scalar function is applied to at least one of these XML columns.
XMLFILE ("base_file_name_with_template")
A valid file name
If the XMLFILE clause is not specified, the name used for the XML data files is the file name specified in the OUTPUT clause. If the output file is specified with an OUTFILE clause instead of an OUTPUT clause, the XMLFILE clause is mandatory.