Add users to a team

Add a user to a team.

Your LDAP connection must be set up before you add users to a team. For more information about setting up an LDAP connection, see Configuring LDAP authentication.

You must create a team before you can add users to a team. For more information about creating a team, see Create teams.

Required user type or access level: Cluster administrator or team administrator

Complete these steps to add users to a team.

  1. Log on as an administrator.
  2. From the navigation menu, click Manage > Teams.
  3. Select the team name from the list of teams.
  4. Select the Users tab.
  5. Select Add user. The "Add user" dialog box displays.
    1. Select the LDAP Domain where the user authentication is stored.
    2. Search for the users by the name. When you enter or modify the search text, 50 results display. Enter text until the users you want to add are displayed.
    3. Select the users that you want to add.
    4. Select a role for each user. For more information about the roles in IBM Cloud Private, see Role-based access control.
    5. Click Add.

The users are added to the team.