Enabling and disabling IBM Cloud Private components

IBM® Cloud Private includes several components which are composed of one or more management services.

After you install IBM Cloud Private, you can enable or disable management services that are comprised in a component. For more information on the default values for the management services, see Customizing the cluster with the config.yaml file. For more information on the components that are available and the management services that are included with the component, see IBM® Cloud Private components. This topic covers the platform that a service can run on, service dependencies.

See IBM® Cloud Private components for more information on the components that are available and the management services that are included with the component.

Required user type or access level: Cluster administrator.

If you are enabling or disabling a service, you must configure the helm command line interface (CLI) as a cluster admin user. For more information about configuring the Helm CLI, see Installing the Helm CLI (helm).

  1. If you are upgrading to version 3.1.0, or later, you must reformat the management services section in the config.yaml file before you upgrade. The section of the file before the upgrade reads similar to the following example:


    The section of the file after the changes for the upgrade reads similar to the following example:

         istio: disabled
         vulnerability-advisor: disabled
         custom-metrics-adapter: disabled

    If you are enabling the vulnerability-advisor after upgrade, deploy the new vulnerability advisor (VA) nodes. For more information about deploying the new VA nodes, see Adding an IBM Cloud Private cluster node.

    Note: If you enabled vulnerability-advisor on the previous version, ensure that the vulnerability-advisor entry is enabled in the management-services section of the config.yaml file after the upgrade. Your vulnerability-advisor parameter might resemble the following parameter value: vulnerability-advisor: enabled. The setting is disabled by default in the upgraded version, and the setting is not automatically retained during the upgrade.

  2. Add a service to the management_services parameter list in the config.yaml file to disable or enable a service. Change the service parameter value to disabled to disable a service, or change the service parameter value to enabledto enable the service.

    Important: You must also enable or disable all services that comprise a component. The following services cannot be disabled: tiller, calico/nsx-t, kube-dns, monitoring-crd, cert-manager.

  3. Run the add-on command to enable or disable the service on your CPU architecture:

     docker run --rm -t -e LICENSE=accept --net=host -v $(pwd):/installer/cluster ibmcom/icp-inception-$(uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/amd64/g'):3.2.0-ee addon

    If IBM Cloud Private is installed with OpenShift, run the following command to enable or disable the service:

     sudo docker run -t --net=host -e LICENSE=accept -v $(pwd):/installer/cluster ibmcom/icp-inception-$(uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/amd64/g'):3.2.0-rhel-ee install-with-openshift

IBM Cloud Private management services have dependency relationships between each other. For example, the auth-idp service depends on the mongodb service. If mongodb is disabled, the auth-idp service cannot function.

Important: Disabling services may impact the installation of IBM Cloud Pak.

Note: The dependency relationships are valid only if tiller, calico/nsx-t, kube-dns, monitoring-crd and cert-manager are enabled.

View the following table of the IBM Cloud Private management services, their dependencies, and whether they are required for the IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift environment or for supporting IBM Cloud Pak:

Table 1. IBM Cloud Private management service dependencies
Management service Dependencies Supported platforms Required for IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift Required for IBM Cloud Paks
kmsplugin IAM, key-management IBM Cloud Private No No
tiller IBM Cloud Private Yes Yes
image-manager IBM Cloud Private No No
kube-dns IBM Cloud Private No No
calico IBM Cloud Private No No
nsx-t IBM Cloud Private No No
cert-manager IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift Yes Yes
mongodb IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift Yes Yes
monitoring-crd IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift Yes Yes
auth-idp mongodb IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No Yes
auth-apikeys mongodb IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift Yes Yes
auth-pap mongodb IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No Yes
auth-pdp mongodb, auth-idp, auth-pap, auth-apikeys IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No Yes
catalog-ui auth-idp, platform-api, helm-api, helm-repo, multicluster-hub IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No Yes
custom-metrics-adapter monitoring IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No No
heapster None IBM Cloud Private No No
helm-api mongodb, platform-api, icp-management-ingress, helm-repo, mgmt-repo IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No Yes
helm-repo mongodb IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No Yes
icp-management-ingress IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No Yes
image-security-enforcement IBM Cloud Private No No
istio IBM Cloud Private No No
nvidia-device-plugin IBM Cloud Private No No
key-management IAM, mongodb IBM Cloud Private No No
key-management-hsm IBM Cloud Private No No
logging IAM IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No No
metering mongodb, IAM IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No Yes
metrics-server IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No No
nginx-ingress IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No Yes
mgmt-repo mongodb IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No No
monitoring IAM IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No Yes
mongdb IAM IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift, IBM Cloud Private with IKS No No
multicluster-hub mongodb monitoring IAM IBM Cloud Private No No
node-problem-detector-draino IBM Cloud Private No No
platform-api IAM IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No Yes
platform-ui auth-idp, platform-api, catalog-ui, image-manager IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No Yes
platform-pod-security IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift, IBM Cloud Private with IKS Yes No
platform-security-netpols IBM Cloud Private No No
secret-watcher IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No Yes
security-onboarding IAM IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No Yes
service-catalog metrics-server IBM Cloud Private No Yes
storage-glusterfs monitoring IBM Cloud Private No No
storage-minio icp-management-ingress, monitoring IBM Cloud Private No Do not use the system instance.
vulnerability-advisor logging, image-manager, IAM IBM Cloud Private No No
web-terminal platform-api, IAM IBM Cloud Private, IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift No No
multicluster-hub IAM, monitoring, mongodb IBM Cloud Private No No
multicluster-endpoint monitoring IBM Cloud Private No No
system-healthcheck-service icp-management-ingress IBM Cloud Private No No

Note: Identity and Access Management (IAM) includes the following services: auth-idp, auth-pap, auth-pdp, auth-apikeys, and secret-watcher.