Upgrading GlusterFS

You can upgrade your GlusterFS cluster that was configured in IBM® Cloud Private Version 3.1.0.

Your GlusterFS cluster is automatically upgraded if you configured GlusterFS in IBM Cloud Private Version 3.1.0 in one of the following ways:

In IBM Cloud Private Version 3.1.0, if you configured GlusterFS by installing the Helm chart Version 1.1.0, complete these steps to upgrade the GlusterFS Helm chart to version 1.2.0 in IBM Cloud Private Version 3.1.1:

Note: If you do not want to upgrade, you can continue to use GlusterFS Helm chart Version 1.1.0 with IBM Cloud Private Version 3.1.1.

Before you begin, ensure that you set up the following CLIs:

Complete these steps to upgrade GlusterFS:

  1. Patch GlusterFS daemonset and Heketi deployment. Run these commands:

    1. Get the latest version of GlusterFS Helm chart that is installed.

      helm list --tls | grep gluster

      Following is a sample output:

      gfsissue                        1               Thu Oct 25 22:31:53 2018        DEPLOYED        ibm-glusterfs-1.1.0                      kube-system
    2. Get the GlusterFS daemonset.

      kubectl -n kube-system get daemonset -l glusterfs=daemonset

      Following is a sample output:

      NAME                           DESIRED   CURRENT   READY     UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   NODE SELECTOR         AGE
      gfsissue-glusterfs-daemonset   4         4         4         4            4           hostgroup=glusterfs   4m
    3. Patch the daemonset.

      kubectl -n kube-system patch daemonset gfsissue-glusterfs-daemonset  --type json  -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/selector/matchLabels/version"}]'

      Following is a sample output:

      daemonset.extensions/gfsissue-glusterfs-daemonset patched
    4. Get information about Heketi deployment.

      kubectl -n kube-system get deployment -l glusterfs=heketi-deployment

      Following is a sample output:

      NAME                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
      gfsissue-glusterfs-heketi-deployment   1         1         1            0           3m
    5. Patch Heketi deployment.

      kubectl -n kube-system patch deployment gfsissue-glusterfs-heketi-deployment --type json  -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/selector/matchLabels/version"}]'

      Following is a sample output:

      deployment.extensions/gfsissue-glusterfs-heketi-deployment patched
  2. Log on to the management console.

  3. Locate the GlusterFS Helm chart.
  4. Click Upgrade to upgrade the chart to Version 1.2.0.