Preparing your nodes for a reinstallation of GlusterFS or IBM Cloud Private

If you configured GlusterFS in your cluster, and you want to reinstall GlusterFS or IBM® Cloud Private on the same cluster, you must first prepare your nodes for the reinstallation.

Delete the Helm chart

  1. Ensure that Helm CLI is set up. For more information, see Installing the Helm CLI (helm).

  2. Get the release name.

    helm list --tls | grep gluster
  3. Delete the chart.

    helm delete --purge  <release_name> --tls

Delete the backup Heketi database

  1. Ensure that kubectl CLI is set up. For more information, see Accessing your cluster from the kubectl CLI.

  2. Get the Heketi secret.

    kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep heketi
  3. Delete backup Heketi database.

    kubectl -n kube-system delete secret <heketi-db-backup-name>

Remove the configuration directories

Remove the Heketi and Gluster daemon configuration directories from each storage node that is used for reinstallation. Run these commands:

rm -rf /var/lib/heketi
rm -rf /var/lib/glusterd
rm -rf /var/log/glusterfs

Prepare the disks to be used for GlusterFS installation

You can reuse the disks or add new disks for a reinstallation of GlusterFS.

Next, complete the tasks in Configuring GlusterFS after IBM Cloud Private installation.