Creating a GlusterFS PersistentVolume

Containers in your application can use the GlusterFS PersistentVolume for data persistence.

You can dynamically provision GlusterFS volume by using a storage class. For more information, see Creating a storage class for GlusterFS.

Or, you can manually create a GlusterFS PersistentVolume in your cluster by completing the steps in the following sections.

To view a list of PersistentVolumes in your cluster, from the navigation menu, click Platform > Storage.

Required user type or access level: Cluster administrator

Creating an endpoint and a service

Create an endpoint and a service only if you are using a GlusterFS server that is configured outside the IBM Cloud Private environment.

The following are required before you can complete this task:

Creating a GlusterFS PersistentVolume by using the Create PersistentVolume dialog box

  1. Log in to the IBM Cloud Private management console.
  2. From the navigation menu, click Platform > Storage.
  3. Click Create PersistentVolume.
  4. Enter the PersistentVolume details. The details can be provided either in a JSON format or by completing the fields in the Create PersistentVolume dialog box.

    To create a PersistentVolume, the following parameters are required:

    General tab

    • Name - provide a name for the PersistentVolume.
    • Capacity
    • Access mode
    • Reclaim policy
    • Type of storage - select Glusterfs

      Parameters tab

    • Parameters for storage. Parameters are supplied as key and value pairs. You must specify:
      • An endpoint
        • Key: - endpoints
        • Value: - the name of the endpoint that was created in step 1 .
      • A path
        • Key: - path
        • Value: - the GlusterFS storage name.
  5. Click Create.

A new GlusterFS PersistentVolume is displayed in the PersistentVolume list. Review the status of the PersistentVolume. The PersistentVolume must have a status of Available.

Creating a GlusterFS PersistentVolume by using the "Create resource" window

  1. Log in to the IBM Cloud Private management console.
  2. From the dashboard, click Create resource.
  3. Copy and paste a YAML or JSON file into the "Create resource" window. For more information about creating a PersistentVolume by using a YAML file, see Opens in a new tab.
  4. Click Create.

After the deployment completes, a new PersistentVolume is displayed in the list. Review the status of the PersistentVolume. The volume must be in Available state.