Heketi pod stuck in init state

Heketi pod remains in init state.

Although your IBM® Cloud Private cluster is ready, the Heketi pod remains in initializing state.

Resolving the issue

Run these commands to resolve the issue:

  1. Set up kubectl CLI. See Accessing your cluster from the kubectl CLI.

  2. Get the Heketi pod status.

    kubectl -n kube-system get po -l glusterfs=heketi-pod

    Following is an example output of the command:

    NAME                                               READY     STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
    gfs-glusterfs-heketi-deployment-7dd754d7c4-krpcz   0/1       Init:1/2   0          1m
  3. Patch the Heketi deployment.

    kubectl -n kube-system patch deployment <Heketi-deployment-name> -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"initContainers":[{"name":"init-heketi","env":[{"name":"HEKETI_IGNORE_STALE_OPERATIONS","value":"true"}]}]}}}}'

    Following is an example command and output:

    kubectl -n kube-system patch deployment gfs-glusterfs-heketi-deployment -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"initContainers":[{"name":"init-heketi","env":[{"name":"HEKETI_IGNORE_STALE_OPERATIONS","value":"true"}]}]}}}}'
    deployment.extensions/gfs-glusterfs-heketi-deployment patched
  4. Get the Heketi pod status.

    kubectl -n kube-system get po -l glusterfs=heketi-pod

    Following are example outputs of the command until the pod is initialized:

    NAME                                               READY     STATUS            RESTARTS   AGE
    gfs-glusterfs-heketi-deployment-74dd4b4b47-slk5m   0/1       PodInitializing   0          7s
    gfs-glusterfs-heketi-deployment-7dd754d7c4-krpcz   0/1       Init:1/2          0          3m
    NAME                                               READY     STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
    gfs-glusterfs-heketi-deployment-74dd4b4b47-slk5m   1/1       Running       0          20s
    gfs-glusterfs-heketi-deployment-7dd754d7c4-krpcz   0/1       Terminating   0          3m
    NAME                                               READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    gfs-glusterfs-heketi-deployment-74dd4b4b47-slk5m   1/1       Running   0          1m