Updates for October 2019

Updates to Maximo® EAM SaaS include more configuration capabilities, enhancements for work management Work Centers and a preview of count reconciliations in the Manage Inventory Work Center.

Configuration enhancements

In a nonproduction environment that you request, you also can now configure and test changes to domains, object attributes, and workflow processes. Export your changes and then import them to your production environment.

Learn more about configuring your environment

General enhancements for Work Supervision and Work Execution Work Centers

The following features are added to enhance work management capabilities for supervisors and technicians:
IDs are used for descriptions on work order fields when no description is specified
In previous releases, if a work order field included a description and no description was provided, Unspecified was displayed in the field. Effective with this release, if no description is entered, the field displays the corresponding identifier. For example, if no description is provided for an asset on a work order, the asset ID is displayed.
Supervisors and technicians can launch inspections directly from the Details page of work orders
If an inspection is associated with an asset or location in the Multiple Assets and Locations table on the Details page of the work order, technicians and supervisors can take action to launch the inspection directly from the Multiple Assets and Locations table.
Supervisors and technicians can classify work orders
A new Classification tile is added to the Details page of work orders. When selecting a classification, supervisors and technicians can drill down through a hierarchy of classifications to select the appropriate classification for the work order. By default, this feature is not enabled. If your organization wants to implement the feature, an administrator must enable the signature option and grant access to the security group for supervisors and technicians.

Learn more about classifications

Enhancements for Work Execution Work Centers

The following features are added to enhance work management capabilities for technicians:
Technicians can report time for other labor
When technicians report work, they can provide information about tasks that are done by other labor in addition to work that they complete. By default, this feature is not enabled. If your organization wants to implement the feature, an administrator must enable the signature option and grant access to the security group for technicians. In addition, technicians can enter premium code information. This feature is also controlled by a signature option.
Technicians can enter meter readings for multiple locations
In the Multiple Assets and Locations table on the Details page in the Work Execution Work Center, technicians can enter meter readings for locations that are associated with work orders.
Technicians can see the sequence of tasks in a work order
When tasks on a work order are sequenced, each task card on the Plans tab for the work order displays the sequence number of the task. Cards for the tasks are also displayed in sequential order.
Technicians can report work directly from work order cards
To help technicians complete work more efficiently, an option to report work is added to cards for approved work orders. Technicians can select that option to quickly report details about tasks, materials, tools, and services that are associated with the work order.

Enhancements to Manage Inventory

Reconciliation preview
After a physical inventory count, you can preview the results of a balance reconciliation. The preview captures changes from the date and time of the physical count and the date and time of the preview table refresh. Optionally, sort the preview table by several criteria, including the change in balance.
Learn more about previewing reconciliation balances